The Rock hosting big TV event after WrestleMania

February 19, 2016

The weekend after WrestleMania, “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson will be appearing at another big TV event. Rock has been named the co-host of the 2016 MTV Movie Awards with comedian Kevin Hart. The taping is Saturday, […]

Hurricane Helms signs new deal with TNA

February 19, 2016

TNA Wrestling announced Friday that “Hurricane” Helms has signed a “multi-year agreement” with TNA. Helms, who is going by Gregory Shane Helms on TNA TV, is working behind-the-scenes and on-camera for TNA. “Shane has been […]

Friday 2/19 Torch Today – Big Events, ROH TV Title ramifications, Real Story of WCW’s 2001 False Start, WWE acknowledging other promotions – good or bad?, CNet on Fast Lane build, Jake talks “Resurrection” vs. Beyond the Mat, DeMott on training future, Lauriniatis cut from NFL team

February 19, 2016

TORCH TODAY – Friday, February 19, 2016 – It was very surprising to see the ROH TV Title change hands in Tokyo, Japan today. The potential of Tomohiro Ishii vs. Hirooki Goto for the TV […]

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