WWE NXT Live Results
February 19, 2016
Asbury Park, N.J.
Report by Steven Cerone, PWTorch reader
Hot crowd throughout the show. The venue was much better than Tower Theater they ran the night before.
(1) Asuka beat Alexa Bliss via submission. Asuka opened the show to a good reaction. The match was a bit sloppy at times, but the crowd was behind Asuka throughout the match.
(2) Apollo Crews pinned Alex Riley with his powerbomb finisher. The action was okay, nothing special. The crowd got into a “Let’s Go Riley / Riley Sucks” chant.
(3) Carmella beat Peyton Royce via submission. Carmella cut a promo, announcing herself as the Princess of Jersey, instead of the Princess of Staten Island, for the night. This got the crowd into the match and the crowd was also into Peyton Royce’s flower gimmick. They did some fun back and forth with her flower that entertained the crowd.
(4) Enzo & Big Cass beat The Vaudevillains via Air Enzo. Enzo got the biggest pop of the night by far. Enzo was super over in his home state and got 10-15 minutes of mic time saying how he can talk for days but can’t put it into words how it feels to be at the Jersey Shore where he grew up. Enzo’s family was also in the front row. Lots of Springsteen references and Cass even sang the first verse of “Sherry” by Frankie Vallie, including the high notes. Enzo also had a N.J. “zero dimes” baseball jersey, which could be a future merch seller. The match kept teasing the Air Enzo when finally the good guys hit it for the win.
(5) Austin Aries beat “The Drifter” Elias Samson. Drifter came out first and played guitar which was received by some profane chants. He then called the crowd a-holes that didn’t deserve his music anyway. Aries came out to a good pop and displayed a lot of flashy high-risk moves.
(6) NXT Women’s champion Bayley beat Eva Marie with a Bayley-to-belly suplex. Not too long of a match. Bayley was over as expected, but her entrance had some technical difficulties with the wacky inflatable things. Eva got booed and had chants directed at her, but the crowd was to her credit very loud. She worked Bayley’s left arm the entire match and Bayley sold it well.
(7) NXT champion Finn Balor & Sami Zayn beat Samoa Joe & Baron Corbin. Best worked match of the night. Very good. They all hit their usual array of big spots. Toward the end of the match, Finn did a double stomp on Joe and sold his injured ankle really well and rolled outside the ring for 5-10 minutes. I couldn’t tell if he injured it again it was a work. Finn made a comeback and used a new suplex finisher instead of the Coup de Gras.
After the match, Finn and Sami teased the Bullet Club. Finn said last time he was in building was part of New Japan in 2011. They proceeded to play off of each other and wear each other’s gear. Fun ending.
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