WWE Live show results
February 26, 2016
Denver, Colo.
Report by Bela Marosy, PWTorch reader
(1) A.J. Styles beat Tyler Breeze with the top-rope flying forearm. A.J. mocked Tyler’s top rope lounge schtick early throughout the match. Some good early back and forth action but the ending seemed abrupt.
(2) Baron Corbin beat Zack Ryder with the End of Days. Corbin dominated early before Ryder got a decent amount of offense in on Corbin at the tail end of the match. Corbin finished Ryder in an instant with the End of Days.
(3) Ryback beat Luke Harper (with Eric Rowan and Braun Stroman) via disqualification when the Wyatts interfered as Ryback was set to deliver the Shell Shock. The Usos ran in to make the save which led to…
(4) The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Erick Rowan & Braun Stroman) beat Ryback & the Usos in a six-man tag match with Harper beating Jimmy Uso with the discus clothesline. Ryback walked out on the Usos a few minutes into the match leaving the Usos in a handicap match.
(5) Neville beat Stardust with the Red Arrow. After the match Stardust grabbed the mic and said there was no way he was leaving a loser. He demanded that another opponent come out…
(6) R-Truth beat Stardust with the What’s Up. Stardust tried to leave the match shortly after it started, but Goldust came out and drove Stardust back to the ring setting up Truth’s finisher.
After the match, Goldust pleaded his case yet again for the formation of the Golden Truth. Pretty funny back and forth between the two. R-Truth got out of it by looking for Little Jimmy,
(7) Kane beat Bray Wyatt in a Denver Street Fight after Kane chokeslammed Wyatt through a table. The Wyatt Family ran in towards the end of the match to set up the table and the Usos made the save again to drive off the Wyatt Family. Bray had Kane set up for Sister Abigail through the table, but Kane reversed in to the Chokeslam.
(8) Sasha Banks beat Naomi (w/Tamina) with the Bank Statement. Good showcase match for both.
(9) Sheamus beat Mark Henry with the Brogue Kick. Prior to the match, Sheamus got on the mic and gave Henry the opportunity to walk out and live to fight another day.
(10) Dean Ambrose beat IC champion Kevin Owens via DQ in the main event; Owens retained the Intercontinental Title. Really good match that saw both men take control for extended periods of time. Owens hit Dean in the gut with a chair to get himself disqualified.
After the match, KO grabbed the mic and worked the crowd up in to a frenzy knocking the Denver Horses (Broncos) and winning their “silly, little game.” After kicking Ambrose a few more times, Owens set up for the Pop-up Powerbomb, which Dean reversed into Dirty Deeds to send the crowd home happy.
Overall, a nice little house show with a decent slate of matches. The main event was definitely the match of the night.
Biggest Pops
– Dean Ambrose (by a mile)
– Sasha Banks
– A.J. Styles
Most Heat
– Kevin Owens (his crowd work is just fantastic)
– Bray Wyatt
I took my wife and 5 year old son-who is a monster WWE fan. I enjoyed the intimacy of a smaller setting. And how much more the entertainers engage with the audience. Everything in the recap was spot on. For a non TV event, this was a blast. The crowd was pretty hot and yes- it went berserk for Ambrose. And man, everyone does love ‘The Boss’. She is very cute and had a good match. And seeing AJ Styles was great as well. Totally worth our time, can’t wait unt they come back to Denver for any event…