John Cena addresses WM32 status, no-sold during Daytona 500 TV coverage

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

John Cena (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


WWE top star John Cena had an interesting weekend in Florida for the annual Daytona 500 NASCAR race.

Cena, who was scheduled to drive the pace car, was non-committal when asked about his WrestleMania 32 status during pre-race interviews.

“Percentage-wise, I’m somewhere between zero and 100. That’s a safe estimation for me. As far as me participating in WrestleMania 32, the Magic 8-Ball says ‘ask again later,'” Cena was quoted by Fox Sports, noting Cena was in a jokey mood trying to deflect the question.

Cena noted that it would be “unfortunate” for him personally if he missed WrestleMania, but he does not want to be at less than 100 percent on the biggest stage of the year.

“I take a very unselfish approach to my job and what I do because people spend their hard-earned money to enjoy what we do,” said Cena. “And our goal is to deliver the best show possible. If I can contribute to that, great. If I can’t then, it not helping any of fans – we’ll see how it works.”

Then on Sunday, Cena was no-sold by Fox’s TV correspondent Jamie Little during the traditional walk-through the pit area before the race.

Little was hurriedly moving from car to car talking to various drivers when she brushed right by Cena, ignored his presence, and kept walking to another car. Cena offered a shrug and surprised facial reaction, prompting a batch of “You can’t see me” jokes from mainstream outlets covering the TV gaffe.

Perhaps Little missed Cena because he’s lost a significant amount of muscle mass recovering from shoulder surgery, making him look small compared to what people are used to.

Cena, unfazed, proceeded to lead the NASCAR drivers out for the opening lap of the Daytona 500.


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