WWE Raw TV taping report
January 25, 2016
Miami, Fla.
Report by Ryan in Ft. Lauderdale
I was in attendance for the Raw in Miami. It was my first time at a show in some years, so it was great experience.
– Here’s what happened with the four guys dressed up like wrestlers who The Rock incorporated into the show. Before Rock’s segment, the Bray Wyatt vs. Kane match wasn’t going over well with the crowd and almost the entire crowd was chanting “Randy Savage” at first. After the second or third time they chanted it the individual wearing the Randy costume stood up holding a belt which made the entire crowd go crazy. I believe Bray Wyatt even turned and yelled something towards him (not sure if they were live at that moment).
After Wyatt won, it seemed like the lights stayed off for longer then usual and it was because security was removing the Savage impersonator and his friends (Hogan, Taker, Rock). They were placed in the seats that were used for Flo Rida and his buddies, which were vacant now, so WWE compromised with the individuals and had them switch seats so that they were not in camera’s view. After The Rock interacted with them, security basically backed off.
– Best Match: Chris Jericho vs. A.J. Styles. This match was announced for later in the night right after The Authority/McMahon segment and it basically gave the audience a much needed boost. Although I was very into this match, the crowd seemed a little lost. There was a big A.J. Styles chant at the start, but sadly throughout the match the excitement died down. I was more excited to be witnessing A.J. Styles in the WWE then I was actually in his match. It honestly wasn’t a great “wrestling” night for Raw, but a great “entertainment” night.
– Worst Match: Divas Tag Team. Almost everyone in my row got up for this match. I’ve been really trying to get into the Divas Division again ,but the whole Divas Revolution attempt basically destroyed any hope I had. I personally was happy to see Natayla get some action on Raw but this match was basically a way to get Paige in a match. By the way, is she a heel or a face? The world may never know.
– Overall Show rating: 5.0. Even though I had a great time, this Raw just lacked so much. I couldn’t imagine watching this at home. There was just so many ways I expected this Raw to go post Royal Rumble and WWE just failed to capitalize on anything. Is WrestleMania not two months away? It seems like we’re nowhere near that road. And I hate to say it but the WWE crowds are starting to become more entertaining then the show itself. Like I said before they’re focusing to much on entertaining us than giving us solid “wrestling.”
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