11/24 WWE on ESPNews – new WWE Champ Sheamus interviewed

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor


In the 9:00 p.m. EST hour of ESPNews’s “SportsCenter” broadcast on Tuesday night, new WWE World Hvt. champion Sheamus talked to Coach about his title victory and other subjects…

WWE on ESPNews SportsCenter Week 7
November 24, 2015
Guest: WWE World Hvt. champion Sheamus
Host: Jonathan Coachman

Coach opened the interview by asking Sheamus about a “very real” security threat at Survivor Series in Atlanta. Coach did not clarify that it was not actually a real threat, asking Sheamus what his reaction was when he heard about it. Sheamus recited prepared remarks about WWE working with government officials to ensure the safety of the arena. Sheamus added that WWE has beefed-up security to upcoming live events.

Sheamus then entered heel mode gloating about how excited the arena was when he cashed in MITB to capture the WWE Title. He hyped his first title defense against Roman Reigns at the TLC PPV, vowing “chaos and anarchy,” and a great Christmas when he is still WWE champion.

Asked about his Irish heritage, Sheamus hyped the Irish trio of himself, Finn Balor as NXT champion, and Connor McGregor in UFC representing the “toughest fighters in the world.”

The interview closed with Sheamus talking about his recent pep-talks for the Notre Dame college football team. Sheamus vowed to be on the sidelines holding the WWE Title belt when Notre Dame wins the National Title. (If Notre Dame makes the Playoffs after being bumped down two spots in the latest rankings released Tuesday.)

Before Sheamus’s interview, Coach ran through a list of highlights from Survivor Series and Raw.

– Top Finish: Neville with the 450 Splash on Mark Henry on Raw.

– Top Anniversary #1: The Undertaker’s 25-year celebration at Survivor Series.

– Top Anniversary #2: The New Day celebrating the one-anniversary of their formation.

– Top Moment: Roman Reigns won the WWE World Title, speared Triple H, and then lost the WWE Title via Sheamus’s MITB cash-in.


(Graphics & Photos (c) ESPN)


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