After TNA announced its new 2016 TV home on Pop TV, Paragon Pro Wrestling announced that it is leaving Pop.
PPW’s weekly show aired early Saturday mornings. Their final airing will be this Saturday (November 21).
An inside source says Paragon was already in the process of ending its agreement with Pop after receiving good initial TV exposure. The company felt it was time to move on to other distribution agreements.
Paragon Pro will now air across multiple networks, hoping to reach as many wrestling fans as possible.
The start-date is Thursday night (Nov. 19) on Tuff-TV at 12:00 midnight EST/9:00 p.m. PST.
Besides Tuff, network deals include Fight Net, WADL TV in Detroit, and Youtoo America, which currently airs Championship Wrestling from Hollywood on Saturday nights.
“Paragon Pro Wrestling hopes to reach more wrestling fans by expanding the networks and times of day that the program will air. As a result of this expansion, Paragon Pro Wrestling has ended its agreement with Pop TV,” the promotion announced.
“Their final broadcast on Pop will be Saturday, November 21st. While PPW is ending their agreement with Pop, officials with the company have stated they are very grateful for the time they spent on the network.”
Las Vegas-based PPW’s roster includes Wes Brisco, Jesse Sorensen, Tyshaun Prince, Gangrel, Joey Ryan, Alex Chamberlain, Darin Corbin, and more stars.
The next PPW TV taping is Tuesday, December 8 at Sam’s Town Hotel in Las Vegas. More info on the promotion on their Facebook page.
Good to see TNa having potentially more viewers.