S. Series Flashback – HBK wins first-ever E. Chamber match, plus the Nov. 17 Coincidence

WWE reveals 2023 Elimination Chamber location


November 17 Survivor Series Flashback

WWE held the first-ever Elimination Chamber match at the 2002 Survivor Series 13 years ago today. Included was Shawn Michaels winning the Chamber match and winning the World Hvt. Title. It was Michaels’s last major title victory in WWE.

Coincidentally, November 17 also represents the date that Michaels’s first WWF Title reign ended. Psycho Sid beat Michaels for the WWF Title at the 1996 Survivor Series held 19 years ago today.

The common factor? Both Survivor Series events were held at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

NOVEMBER 17, 2002
Originally Published PWTorch Newsletter #732


(1) Bubba Ray Dudley & Spike Dudley & Jeff Hardy beat Three Minute Warning at 11:22 in a tables elimination match. D-Von came out at the end to help Bubba eliminate Rico with a 3D to win the match. Good chaotic tables brawl. Nice spots by Hardy and Rosie in particular, although everyone kept the match moving. (***)

(2) Kidman pinned Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) at 7:10 to capture the WWE Cruiserweight Title. Good match. Kidman won clean with a Shooting Star Press. Well-paced, but not spectacular by any means. (**3/4)

Kurt Angle did a funny backstage bit with Chris Benoit ending with Angle hugging Benoit.

(3) Victoria pinned Trish Stratus at 7:04 to capture the WWE Women’s Title. Good intensity from Victoria. Strong selling by Trish. Nice effort from both although marred by some mistimed moves.(**)

Big Show told Eric Bischoff backstage he’ll regret trading him to Raw.

Heyman told Brock Lesnar he will do everything in his power to be sure “my client” leaves the PPV WWE Champion. Not sure if Heyman meant to be over-the-top-obvious about it or not, but it seemed clear he was implying that his client might now be Big Show, not Lesnar.

(4) Big Show pinned Brock Lesnar at 4:23 to capture the WWE Title. Heyman yanked the ref out of the ring just as the ref was about to count a pin on Show. Show then came back with a chokeslam on a chair and scored the win. Lesnar got in some impressive suplexes on Show, who barely left his feet during the suplexes. (*)

(5) The Guerreros captured the WWE Tag Titles in a three-way elimination match with Edge & Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit at 19:18. If there’s such a thing as a disappointing match that’s still in the four star range, this was it. Very good match, but not what it could have been given more time and a stronger final few minutes. The crowd didn’t seem to like that Angle & Benoit were eliminated first when Edge speared Benoit and scored a pin on him at 13:02. Rey tapped out to Eddie’s finisher to end the match. (***3/4)

Christopher Nowinski walked out and insulted New Yorkers, calling them stupid. Matt Hardy then came out and said they’re losers. They argued for a few minutes and then compromised on the term “loopid.” Scott Steiner then walked out to his siren music. He beat both of them up, asked for the “f—in mic,” then said his catch phrases and left. The crowd popped for him like he was a star and chanted, “Steiner, Steiner.”

(6) Shawn Michaels outlasted Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Chris Jericho, and Kane at 39:12 to capture the World Title in an Elimination Chamber match. RVD and Booker T were the first two eliminated from the Chamber match. Kane and Jericho were next, leaving Triple H vs. Michaels. Jericho, Triple H, and Michaels all bled. They didn’t do any huge spots in the match other than some bumps through the small chamber cage glass in the corners. RVD was the most innovative, as at one point he leaped toward the cage and landed on the side, grabbing the chains and sticking to the side like Spiderman. RVD ended up injuring Triple H with a frog splash that partially landed on his throat. Triple H had trouble breathing from that point on, but put in a great effort where it almost unnoticable that he was in pain. Triple H blocked a superkick attempt and then gave Michaels a Pedigree. Michaels kicked out. Triple H went for another Pedigree, but Michaels backdropped out of it and then ended up pinning Triple H after Sweet Chin Music. A good final few minutes. Good match overall, but not in the “must see category.” (***1/2)


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