11/10 WWE on ESPNews – King Barrett taks Rooney Slap, NXT, LeBron, more

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor


With WWE touring the U.K. this week, WWE booked Bad News King Barrett for the weekly interview segment with The Coach on ESPNews during the 9:00 p.m. EST hour of SportsCenter…

WWE on ESPNews SportsCenter Week 5
November 10, 2015
Guest: King Bad News Wade Barrett
Host: Jonathan Coachman

The discussion centered on Barrett being slapped by Manchester United star Wayne Rooney this week on Raw. Barrett endorsed Rooney as the all-time leading scorer in English football history, but switched to heel mode saying he was disrespected by “someone in the crowd.”

Barrett then discussed his background moving from bare-knuckle fighting to wrestling. Barrett, who dropped “pro wrestler” and “pro wrestling” into the conversation multiple times, said he grew too tall to be a soccer player and decided to pursue WWE by going through small-time wrestling in the U.K. fighting in bars and men’s clubs.

That took him to Season One of NXT in its original form five years ago. Barrett, in heel mode, took credit for the current NXT brand’s success, saying NXT would not be what it was without him winning Season 1.

The discussion wrapped with some U.S. sports talk. Barrett said if he were born in the U.S., he probably would have tried to play Tight End in football. Regardless, he said he is a Chicago Bears fan.

Barrett also ran down “King” LeBron James, saying you become a king either by bloodline or winning a prestigious tournament like the King of the Ring tournament. He said LeBron being a “king” means nothing to him.

Prior to Barrett’s interview, The Coach went through this week’s top honors from Monday’s Raw.

– Top Fight: Big Show vs. Roman Reigns received the nod. ESPN showed Show tossing around Reigns, who responded with a Superman Punch and Spear to beat Show.

– Top Destruction: The Undertaker & Kane reuniting to take out the Wyatts. It seems like WWE had Taker & Kane burn through the Wyatts simply for the SportsCenter moment.

– Top Match: New Day vs. The Usos & Neville. ESPN showed Neville’s corkscrew moonsault on the outside as one of the highlights.

– Top Slap: Wayne Rooney slapping King Barrett.


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