Wednesday night on Destination America, ROH came back to earth after drawing by far its biggest one-hour audience last week. Also, TNA Impact’s combined audience was down from last week.
Wednesday Night ROH/TNA Programming – November 4 (Week 23)
– TNA Impact: The first airing at 9:00 p.m. EST drew 262,000 viewers, essentially even with 266k and 264k the previous two weeks.
TNA’s late-night replay/West Coast airing after ROH then drew 81,000 viewers, down from 98,000 viewers last week, mainly due to a weaker ROH lead-in.
TNA Impact’s total viewership was 343,000 viewers, down from 364k last week, but up from 327k two weeks ago.
– ROH TV: The only airing at 11:00 p.m. EST drew 141,000 viewers, down from an eye-popping 227,000 viewers last week.
Since losing prime time on July 29, ROH has averaged 151,933 viewers in the late night timeslot.
– Demographics: Both shows skewed to an older audience, but there was improvement in the diversity of the audience.
ROH’s median age was 52.8 years-old and TNA’s was 55.7 years-old, the oldest since August 26.
However, Impact’s split was 65 percent males 18-49 and 35 percent females 18-49. This was the most diverse split in one month.
ROH’s demo split was 75/25 percent, improving on its 80/20 average on Dest. America.
Viewership Flow
– TNA at 9:00 EST: 262,000 viewers
– ROH at 11:00 EST: 141,000 viewers
– TNA at midnight: 81,000 viewers
Last Friday on Halloween Eve, Destination America aired a “live exorcism” special that drew 500,000 viewers – likely its biggest audience since re-branding the network.
However, with that big of an audience, Dest. America did not air promos for wrestling to potentially bring in new viewers to their top weekly shows. It demonstrates how unimportant wrestling is to current network management, pointing to why Impact and ROH’s futures on Dest. America are in question after 2015.
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