WWE Raw TV news & notes 10/19
– Raw featured appearances by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair.
Austin opened Raw reminiscing about wrestling in Dallas and Texas, then he welcomed out Taker. Taker offered a speech before being interrupted by Lesnar and Paul Heyman to set up Taker-Lesnar III at the Hell in a Cell PPV on Sunday. There was no physicality.
Michaels opened the top of the second hour and was interrupted by WWE World Hvt. champion Seth Rollins. They had a back-and-forth exchange about Rollins needing to be Seth Rollins 1.0, not Michaels 2.0.
Flair opened the top of the third hour reminiscing about partying in Dallas before endorsing Roman Reigns. The Wyatts interrupted.
– Randy Orton was pulled from Raw and a tag match with Dean Ambrose at the Hell in a Cell PPV. WWE made up an injury angle that the Wyatts took out Orton.
– Erick Rowan randomly returned to TV as a replacement for Luke Haprer in the Wyatts. WWE tried to link Orton and Harper’s absences.
– The main event of Raw was changed several times during the show. WWE ended up with Reigns & Ambrose teaming with Seth Rollins in an impromptu Shield reunion against The Wyatts in a six-man tag match.
– Kane did not appear on Raw before challenging Rollins for the WWE World Title at the PPV. “Corporate Kane” was suspended from Raw in the storylines, but Big Red Kane did not make an appearance.
– John Cena did not have a U.S. Title Open Challenge. Cena’s next title defense is being saved for the HIAC PPV. Instead, Cena teamed with The Dudleys against New Day in a six-man tag match.
– Announced for Smackdown is a Miz TV segment with Dolph Ziggler and Lana.
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