WWE Network Review – “Sting: Into the Light”


To promote the release of WWE’s “Sting: Into the Light” DVD, WWE Network released a 20-minute preview of the DVD documenting Sting’s career leading to his first trip to WWE.

WWE Network Special
First Look – “Sting: Into the Light”
Release Date – October 12, 2015
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

When WWE decides to release a DVD, there is usually an underlying theme that points back to enhancing WWE and/or Vince McMahon.

In this particular release, the subtitle points to Sting “seeing the light” by coming to WWE for the first time after spending the majority of his career in WCW/NWA.

The Network special/DVD sneak-peek opens with Sting (Steve Borden) walking into WWE’s offices in Stamford, Conn. for the first time in 2014. “It’s a weird deal,” Sting commented. “But, it’s good. I’m ready for it.”

The special then took Sting back to March 2001 when he wrestled Ric Flair on the final WCW Nitro episode. Sting said he wrestled Flair for decades, and here they were on the final Nitro. “I’m thinking this may be my last match,” Sting commented as he watched the match back on his home TV while getting emotional.

WWE then documented the period in-between 2001 and 2014. Notably, Jim Ross talked about not being able to get Sting to come to WWE despite being a “close friend,” mainly due to WWE’s Attitude Era content. So, Sting got a phone call from TNA and spent eight years there. But, Sting wanted to have a match at WrestleMania.

“I want to be able to say that I did indeed wrestle at WrestleMania,” Sting said.

Back to Sting at WWE HQ, where he had “the visit” with Triple H. Two big names having a sit-down in a back-office seemed a bit surreal. The cameras left, so Hunter and Sting finished their discussion behind closed doors. Sting then visited with Vince McMahon, who was not shown on-camera.

It was interesting to see Sting somewhat subdued, almost overwhelmed by the experience as things got close to becoming real making his WWE debut.A1AxenoX+BL._SY445_

Next was Sting set to make his WWE debut at Survivor Series 2014. Sting was shown discussing his contract with a WWE executive in a hidden trailer so no one knew he was there. Sting was then led backstage to prepare to make his debut in the Survivor Series main event.

After looking at Sting’s emotional debut, WWE took it back to Sting sitting down at his dining room table signing a WWE contract. Sting noted he started talking with Triple H in December 2013, which is around the time his TNA contract was set to expire.

Sting noted he made a lot of appearances, like 2K Sports appearances, but he had not signed an official contract until a year later. “I would love to be able to get this WrestleMania under my belt,” Sting said. “Somebody. Just so that I can say that I did WrestleMania one time.”

The special flashed forward to WrestleMania 31 in March for Sting’s WrestleMania Weekend as Sting prepared to face Hunter.

This is where the 20-minute sneak-peek ended, concluding a fascinating look into Sting’s first WWE venture.

“Sting: Into the Light” is available on DVD and Blu-ray.


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