Jeff Hardy has never been through an injury as serious as what he has experienced from a dirt bike accident in May.
Now, he’s unsure if he’ll be able to wrestle his style again, or even wrestle again.
“My number one right now is getting better. I’m kind of afraid, because my knee is so unstable. It’s freaking me out a little, I’m not gonna lie,” Hardy told the U.K. Daily Star promoting TNA’s January European Tour.
“Right now I’m mostly concerned about getting better. This is the first serious injury I’ve had in my entire life. This is very new for me. I realize how much I love wrestling now, because I miss it so bad.”
Hardy recently experienced a setback in his recovery when he found out he has a torn PCL in his right knee to go with a broken tibia.
“They put a rod in my tibia, so after all the swelling went down I knew something was wrong with my knee,” Hardy said.
“I finally went to the doctor, and I had an MRI, and found out it was a torn PCL. I just started physical therapy last week, it’s been really tough. Hopefully that is going to work and I can avoid surgery. Fingers crossed.”
Hardy said if he does get back in the ring, he’s unsure how he will handle it mentally because he’s never had a serious injury and wrestled a daredevil style throughout his career.
“I think a lot of it is psychological. The thing is, my style, I’m the kinda guy who if I feel I can’t wrestle the style that I always have, then I’m not going to want to wrestle at all,” Hardy cryptically said.
“Then there’a a part of me that thinks, ‘Jeff, you can still be great and modify your style.’ I think that’s what my future is going to be like, maybe not as insane!”
[ LINK: Full Interview with reporter Patrick Lennon at DailyStar.co.uk ]
He was very lucky and so healthy for long given a high risk wrestling style. It’s a shame a dirt bike accident may do him in.
Honestly it’s quite amazing this has never happened before considering not only his in ring style, but also his daredevil life general. He’s always enjoyed extreme sports. Hope he has a full recovery.