The PWTorch All-Star Panel features an array of contributors answering your questions who have worked in various facets of the pro wrestling industry, plus PWTorch contributors join in. You get an unmatched mix of perspectives including first-hand insights from people who have worked in the ring and behind the curtain.
PWTorch reader Phil L. asks: As always, you guys do a fine job with the site. I have a non-NXT question (imagine that!). What are your thoughts on the Paul Wight’s place in wrestling history? Multi-time world champ, a huge guy that has been able to pull off impressive and agile moves for a guy of his size, a character that’s evolved with the changing times, a team player… is he the best giant ever? He probably hasn’t drawn money like Andre did, but is a much better wrestler with similar charisma. Where does he stand in your eyes?
PROFESSIONAL BROADCASTER Jim Valley (Long time wrestling fan, Torch subscriber, and currently PWTorch Livecast guest host. He won a National Edward R. Murrow Award and several regional awards during his 20 year broadcast career. He has done TV announcing for several independent wrestling promotions, hosted his own wrestling radio show, interviewed many top stars, and was flown out to Stamford to audition for WWE. He took second to Todd Grisham.) Probably the most athletic giant ever. He’s a victim of booking. He drew some in WCW, not much in WWE. He could have in another era or had he been protected. Another part of the problem was he made WWE management unhappy by being out of shape and seeming unmotivated. He was punished with losses and sent down to OVW as punishment. I bet he’s kind of like Dick Murdoch in the sense that his peers really like him, but other things kept him from being a true Hall of Famer.
REALITY TV STAR & EX-TNA MANAGER Jonny Fairplay (@jonnyfairplay was also former personal assistant to Roddy Piper and cohost with Sean Waltman of weekly podcast at www.ProWrestling.net) answers: I love the Big Show! He has more range than Andre but Andre was protected immensely more.
EX-ECW CHAMPION AND LONGTIME WWE WRESTLER Justin Credible (also current IWE Champion, visit www.TheJustinCredible.com and on YouTube here including his ongoing Wrestling 101 Series) answers: I think he is top three. Big Show is good. I’ve worked w him a lot. When he’s in shape he can rock it.
INDY PROMOTER & ANNOUNCER Brad Stutts (Follow @cwfmidatlantic and @stuttsy and listen to his podcast at www.WrestlingWithOptimism) answers: He’s amazing. Unreal athletic, great verbal ability, versatile performer. Easy Hall of Famer and definitely among the top 2-3 giants of all time. Certainly in the conversation. Dude is unreal.
PWTorch reader Jeff from Michigan asks: In WWE’s current cost-cutting era, was it a huge mistake to make Brock Lesnar the WWE Champion?
EX-WWE CREATIVE TEAM MEMBER John Piermarini (ex-WWE Creative Team member 2009-2010, frequent PWTorch Livecast guest) answers: No, because who would you put it on right now? Hold back from just picking your favorite wrestler because it would be held by John Cena. How much hotter would the product be seeing him as Champion? I’m okay with Lesnar not defending it every month. Just tell a better story with what you have available. It’s not like WWE was knocking it out of the park when the story involved the WWE Title. Sure, at times the stories may have been good but when was the last time the WWE Title story focused around the WWE TITLE and the TITLE itself sold network subs and PPVs? Now with that said, if Vince was worried about decreasing viewership and wanted to rip out the last page he wrote and start a fresh new story, I could see a scenario where Cena was champion and Seth Rollins cashing in and winning. Been done before. Fans would at least have that as a possibility had they not put the title on Lesnar.
REALITY TV STAR & EX-TNA MANAGER Jonny Fairplay (@jonnyfairplay was also former personal assistant to Roddy Piper and cohost with Sean Waltman of weekly podcast at www.ProWrestling.net) answers: No, Brock is more special than the rest of the roster just by not being there. I like it.
EX-ECW CHAMPION AND LONGTIME WWE WRESTLER Justin Credible (also current IWE Champion, visit www.TheJustinCredible.com and on YouTube here including his ongoing Wrestling 101 Series) answers: No. Brock is best for business. He is a legit killer. Nobody can hang with Brock. That’s why it works. For now!
PROFESSIONAL BROADCASTER Jim Valley (Long time wrestling fan, Torch subscriber, and currently PWTorch Livecast guest host. He won a National Edward R. Murrow Award and several regional awards during his 20 year broadcast career. He has done TV announcing for several independent wrestling promotions, hosted his own wrestling radio show, interviewed many top stars, and was flown out to Stamford to audition for WWE. He took second to Todd Grisham.) Time will tell. In the WWE Network era, PPV buys are not as important as they once were. Perhaps the absence of the WWE champion will make the title seem more special or maybe it will make the current shows look unimportant. I think this is a good experiment to find that answer.
PWTorch reader Jeff asks: Did WWE do wrong by Daniel Bryan by having him wrestle so often (gauntlet matches) and not toning down his style by adding more submission holds? Or is it just a case of WWE perceiving that he has weak mic skills so he needs to wrestle?
EX-ECW CHAMPION AND LONGTIME WWE WRESTLER Justin Credible (also current IWE Champion, visit www.TheJustinCredible.com and on YouTube here including his ongoing Wrestling 101 Series) answers: No, WWE didn’t wrong Daniel Bryan. His wrestling style is what brought him to the dance. He doesn’t perform anything really crazy. It’s a matter of wear and tear on the body. When you wrestle a full time schedule for many years without a break, that kind of stuff will happen. He could have been working hurt for years, and just now decided he has to get it done. The style of wrestling is very physical in the WWE. Expect these injuries. Just like in the NFL injuries are part of the game.
MAINSTREAM WRESTLING MEDIA REPORTER Brian Fritz (host of Between the Ropes podcast and Sporting News wrestling reporter, former AOL Fanhouse and Yahoo Sports reporter) answers: I don’t think so, Jeff. Top guys typically have a heavy workload and Bryan’s injury was due to wrestling for such a long time and have the wear and tear that comes with the business. Plus, you never know when someone is going to get hurt in such a physical business.
PWTorch reader Ryan B. asks: Hey guys, love the work everyone here does. I have often read that WWE has no interest in signing any TNA wrestlers and in fact don’t even look into anyone. Obviously that is not the case the other way around with Bubba Ray, Devon, Kurt Angle, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Derrick Bateman, etc. joining TNA. Who do you see being the next couple guys to join after leaving WWE?
MAINSTREAM WRESTLING MEDIA REPORTER Brian Fritz (host of Between the Ropes podcast and Sporting News wrestling reporter, former AOL Fanhouse and Yahoo Sports reporter) answers: Ryan, that all depends on who leaves WWE and what kind of money they would like to make. TNA is on a very strict budget and only wants to pay guys on a per night basis. So, it might not be a financially good deal for someone to join TNA after leaving WWE but there are not a lot of options right now.
EX-ECW CHAMPION AND LONGTIME WWE WRESTLER Justin Credible (also current IWE Champion, visit www.TheJustinCredible.com and on YouTube here including his ongoing Wrestling 101 Series) answers: Zack Ryder would be a fit. I think he is looking for more than just a payday and TNA would give him that shot. Another would be Dolph Ziggler. He could be a game-changer for TNA. I think Dolph is less likely to leave but both guys are under-utilized and would make an Impact immediately.
REALITY TV STAR & EX-TNA MANAGER Jonny Fairplay (@jonnyfairplay was also former personal assistant to Roddy Piper and cohost with Sean Waltman of weekly podcast at www.ProWrestling.net) answers: I think Bubba Ray would be the only one of that list and I’m more than positive Vince isn’t aware of his improved physique and mic skills.
(Send questions for a future Ask PWTorch to: askpwtorch@gmail.com. If you have a particular person on the All-Star Panel you’d in particular like to direct your question to, include that in the subject line, but multiple panelists may also answer.)
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