Sunday’s Torch Today – Quick News Items (updated throughout the day): James Storm, TNA, Mahabali Shera


New site design introduction and notes…

Welcome to the all-new, the largest site design makeover in our history and the first major overhaul in a half-dozen years. This is the culmination of several months of work and we’re really proud of the new design. We will be tweaking a few things in coming days. You will also start seeing some new content added to the mix.

This Torch Today “Quick News” feature is a bit of a return to our roots, but with a 2015 update. We’ll be adding news items to this report throughout the day every day, some of which are little tidbits or fast quick breaking news items for which we’ll have a longer story posted later (such as when we first get Raw ratings), and sometimes just a note on what others out there are reporting that we find worthy of passing along (with proper credit, of course). Because we add to this throughout the day, be sure to check back for updates or refresh throughout the day. You can see the entirety of the previous days’ Torch Today updates on the home page or the Torch Today listing.

The main longer news stories are lower on the page, in the left column. The middle column features the latest TV & PPV Reports followed by the latest Live Event Reports. On the right side, you’ll find our opinion pieces and other special features. Below everything at the bottom are links to our latest free PWTorch Livecast podcasts and also below that our latest VIP-exclusive features.

If you prefer a layout which features a straight up chronological listing like you might be used to with our previous designs, just click on the “All Articles” link at the top of this page (and bookmark it).

Our ultimate goal with this redesign is to become – if we weren’t already – the first-stop for your pro wrestling news reading every morning, afternoon, and evening and earn more repeat visits throughout the week.

VIP members, stay tuned as we’ll be moving next to a complete redesign of the ad-free VIP website and eventually also our VIP archives.

We’ll have more notes on the site redesign and new features in coming days. In the mean time, spread the word and give us feedback. You can email me at

Now on to some Sunday newsbits…

-On Twitter, Jonathan Coachman made news with this Tweet: “You have been asking for years and we are about to take another step. So excited. 48 hours. #wwe #joinus #letshavefun.” Is he hinting at a WWE show on ESPN? Or something else? After ESPN’s coverage of Summerslam, it seems the relationship is stronger than ever.

-Yesterdat WWE released Devin Taylor and Ca Bishop. Taylor did interviews on NXT TV.

-PWInsider reports that TNA especially wanted James Storm to come back to work with them because they felt his chemistry as an opponent of Mahabali Shera would work really well on their upcoming India tour.

-The Wrestling Observer reports that TNA cancelled its Halloween weekend house show dates due to poor ticket sales.

-As always, if you are interested in reading all articles in our previous “chronological format,” just click (and bookmark) the “All Articles” link above.


2 Comments on Sunday’s Torch Today – Quick News Items (updated throughout the day): James Storm, TNA, Mahabali Shera

  1. It’s going to take some getting used to. You had that design for what something like 5 years?Looks like a lot of work went into it either way. Well done lads….

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