10/2 WWE NXT Results – Nashville


WWE NXT Results
October 2, 2015
Nashville, Tenn.
Report by John Wright, PWTorch reader

The show opened with Greg Hamilton welcoming everybody. The crowd was very enthusiastic and stayed into the show most of the night.

(1) Enzo Amore & Big Cass (w/Carmella) beat Chad Gable & Jason Jordan. Enzo took a beating from both guys over and over, then made the hot tag to Big Cass, who cleaned house. They hit their rocket launcher finisher for the pin. Same old Enzo and Cass match we are used to seeing. The match lasted about 10 minutes.

(2) Bull Dempsey pinned Elias Sampson. Elias came out and sang a song on his guitar, which you could barely hear over the crowd booing. Something bad about Nashville, of course. Sampson got called a lot of things throughout the night. Jeff Jarrett and Damien Sandow were the two stand-outs. A lot of people chanted for Bull, but he is just a comedy gimmick at this point. The match was slow-paced with a lot of headlocks and laying down. Dempsey finally got the pin for the win around the 11-minute mark. The crowd was more into yelling at each other during this match then the actual match.

(3) NXT Women’s champion Bayley beat Emma and Alexa Bliss in a three-way match to retain the NXT Women’s Title. Emma and Alexa teamed up to attack Bayley throughout the match, but after both girls tried to pin Bayley at the same time, they turned on each other. Bayley made the rally and hit two Bayley-to-Belly’s for the win around the 12-minute mark.

(4) Samoa Joe beat Baron Corbin via submission. This was an exciting match and actually showed some of what Baron can do. These are the types of matches they need to be showing him in. He looked dominant throwing Joe into the steps multiple times. Joe made the comeback and went into the rear naked choke to win via submission in 11 minutes.

(5) Apollo Crews pinned Tye Dillinger. A lot of people were into the “10” chant. He then cut a promo about how they should’ve gone to Memphis instead. He was also wearing pink trunks that were bedazzled which elicited a “Nattie’s Undies” chant. Ty held the upper hand most of the match until a comeback by Apollo hitting the gorilla press and then his standing moonsault for the pin around the 10-minute mark. Apollo is really impressive.

(6) Eva Marie pinned Carmella. I was actually thinking the match didn’t look as awkward as on TV, but then after covering Carmella with the ring apron gimmick, Eva went for a kick or a knee (my view got obstructed) and apparently hit Carmella pretty hard. Back in the ring, Eva went straight for the pin and got the three count. The referee immediately put up the “x” signal for the ring doctors. They attended to Carmella for a few minutes, but she left with the help of the official. It looked like she got her bell rung really good. Hopefully that is all it was. The match was only about three minutes long.

(7) NXT tag champions The Vaudevillains (Aiden English & Simon Gotch) pinned Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson to retain the NXT Tag Titles. This was probably the best match or tied with the best match of the night. A lot of back and forth action. Dash & Wilder are a true heel tag team and they feel like one. The Vaudevillians hit the Whirling Dervish for the win around the 15-minute mark.

(8) NXT champion Finn Balor pinned Tyler Breeze to retain the NXT Title. Finn came out to a big pop. The crowd was mixed throughout the match, though. Tyler made some sneaky moves to get ahead of Finn, but then after a small comeback from Finn, Tyler tried to leave the match. Finn sneaked up behind him and delivered a huge chop and sent him back to the ring. Tyler hit several big moves and had a couple nearfalls. Finn hit a Coup de Grace on Tyler’s back for a nearfall. A few minutes later, Finn hit it again for the win around the 16-minute mark. A fun and exciting match for sure. Balor did the “suck it” sign several times throughout the night. Hopefully just a reference to his TNA picture earlier in the day, and not a permanent thing.

Biggest Pops:

(1) Finn Balor
(2) Enzo and Cass
(3) Bayley/Samoa Joe


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