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DVD review: Burgan reviews ROH: Night of the Grudges - AJ Styles vs. Paul London, CM Punk, Raven

Feb 28, 2005 - 3:41:00 AM

By Derek Burgan, Torch Media Guy

Torch DVD Review
ROH Night of the Grudges
June 14, 2003
Cambridge, MA at the National Guard Armory


This show follows Do or Die.

For those at you who read my review of Do or Die, you might remember me being in complete shock when seeing the wrestler Iceberg with the letters “ROH” written in thumbtacks on his forehead. F---ing thumbtacks! Little did I know that Iceberg was in violation of gimmick infringement as emails poured in from dedicated Torch Readers telling me that the Torch’s very own Bruce Mitchell did the same thing late in 2001 at a Torch get together in Las Vegas. I didn’t believe it at first but a picture is worth a thousand words.

Pro Wrestler Iceberg

Torch Senior Writer Bruce Mitchell

On to the Show!

***Paul London was backstage talking about the matches he had in ROH that he thought he would never top. London brought up that incredible street fight against Michael Shane at Unscripted, the three way match with Low Ki and AJ Styles, and the Epic Encounter with Bryan Danielson (which London called the best match is his career). London brought up that Styles had just won the NWA championship and, although the title isn’t on the line, tonight he is going to beat Styles and win the #1 Contender’s Trophy in ROH. I really like this promo because in a subtle way London came across as if the TNA title was less important than the ROH Contender’s Trophy.

***AJ Styles was backstage with the lovely Alexis Laree and put over that he won the NWA World Title “three days ago” and that the belt joins his collection with the ROH Tag Title he shares with The Amazing Red. Styles was still smarting about losing the last #1 Contender’s Trophy match against London at the First Anniversary Show, but that was because he was taken out by a Ki Krusher from Low Ki. Styles promised to beat London tonight and go on to win the ROH Title from Samoa Joe to add to his collection.

***Chris Lovey and Ray Morrow are the commentators for the show.

(1) The Carnage Crew (Loc & DeVito) beat the Christopher Street Connection (Buff E. & Mace Mendoza w/Ariel). Buff E. got kisses from no less than five men at ringside. Torch ROH Historian once got a kiss from Buff before a show and wasn't impressed. Loc and Mendoza started the match but Buff E yelled out, “WAIT! I told you I wanted that sexy, heavy bastard! I’ll do whatever you want if you let me have him right now.” Mendoza tagged in Buff E. These guys are 20 pounds of charisma in a 10 pound bag. Buff E running the ropes like a stereotypical girl is such a funny sight and Loc sold a kiss from Buff E better than most guys do a Burning Hammer. Chris Lovey wanted to know what nudie bar the Carnage Crew were going to after the show. Might I suggest M2 in Boston? I hear the dancer Nina is pretty hot. Buff E got the hot tag about six minutes in and went wild with clotheslines to set up Mendoza giving Bronco Busters to both Loc and DeVito. CSC hit the Gay Basher but DeVito stopped the pin leading to DeVito eventually nailing Buff E with a moonsault and the three count. (8:40) There was some hilarious interaction here with the CSC and the ultra serious Carnage Crew.

***After the match Loc and DeVito grabbed Ariel and gave her a spiked piledriver! Ariel sold it like she was dead and the crowd was yelling “ONE MORE TIME!!” In case you were wondering kids, wrestling shows are not the idea places to take a date.

Matt Stryker kicking untanned Chance Beckett

(2) Matt Stryker beat Chance Beckett. Beckett is just your average indie guy who has spent some time at the gym but apparently hasn’t been informed of the revolutionary invention of tanning beds. Lovey and Morrow managed to use the word “definitely” about 12 times in the first minute of the match. That’s definitely too much. Stryker worked on Beckett’s arm to start the match, which Beckett eventually got out of with an interesting “mule dropkick.” I just trademarked that one and you’ll have to see it to believe it. Very interesting test of strength between the two men in which Beckett was contorting his body in a Jack Evans-like fashion which was impressive considering Beckett’s size. Stryker was even slamming his knees onto Beckett and the kid still wouldn’t break his bridge. Styrker eventually got Beckett to tap out to the Stryker Lock. (11:15) Ok match. Aftewards it was like pulling teeth to get Beckett to shake Stryker’s hand.

(3) Homicide (w/Julius Smokes) beat John Walters and Chris Sabin and AngelDust Justin Credible in a Four Corner Survival match. AngelDust came to the ring without any members of Special K and had his music cut off halfway through. He turned around to be on the receiving end of a superkick from Justin Credible. The crowd went bananas. That goof Gary Michael Capetta came to the ring and asked “what the hell are you doing in Ring of Honor?!” The crowd chanted “ECW!” Justin said he was about to make this match, “not just the coolest…not just the best…just incredible!” Chris Lovey said that ECW chant was the first ever in ROH which is really amazing when you think about it. But now that I do think about I’m wondering how there couldn’t have been an ECW chant when Tommy Dreamer showed up at All Star Extravaganza? I have to go back and check that out.

Homicide and Walters started the match which led to a nice sequence in Homicide hit Walters with a butterfly suplex into the corner of the ring that looked like it killed Walters. Homicide then set up Walters in the Tree of Woe and came over with a baseball slide right into Walters’ face. Walters made a comeback and actually hit Homicide with the Lungblower followed by a bow and arrow. Looks like ROH was letting him look good in front of his hometown fans. Sabin got a blind tag on Homicide and did a super cool slingshot sunset flip on Homicide, but but Notorious 187 was still holding onto Walters and delivered a German Suplex to Walters as Sabin finished up his sunset flip. This looked great. Later in the match Homicide put Sabin on the top turnbuckle and came off with a sit down powerbomb. Lovey said Homicide just recently came up with that move. Sabin came back with a beautiful spinning backbreaker on Homicide. Walters hooked Sabin in a nasty looking variation of a surfboard which looked even crazier when Homicide came over and grabbed Sabin’s head to make the stretch more painful. While this was going on Justin Credible went into the ring and came flying over with a superkick to send Homicide to the floor. Credible then came flying over the ropes onto Homicide. Walters followed with a dive of his own. Then came Sabin with a sommersault tope! Last up was Homicide, who by now had gotten back into the ring and came flying out with a TOPE CON HILO! This is seriously the greatest looking move in wrestling. Credible hit Homicide with That’s Incredible but the pin was broken up by Sabin. Walters hit a great springboard powerbomb on Homicide for a two count. Homicide came back with a Dragon Screw on Walters followed by a dropkick to the gut. Homicide picked up Walters and nailed a move that was a lot like Al Snow’s old Snow Plow and hooked on the STF until Walters tapped out. (12:55) Very good match.

***The camera followed Homicide backstage and he was congratulated by Benny From the Bronx. Out came a very disappointed Low Ki. Homicide said he needed back-up for his war against Steve Corino. Homicide said Low Ki was “trippin’” as Ki walked away.

Colt Cabana of the Second City Saints

(4) The Second City Saints (Colt Cabana & CM Punk) beat Raven & BJ Whitmer. CM Punk grabbed a microphone and shot a promo as Cabana sat in a chair in the middle of the ring. Punk said he was talking to his “soldiers” who have the “balls to be drug free and alcohol free.” Chris Lovey said he saw about three people holding up the X’s. Punk said these people were “better than you!” Punk said he was like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in the sense he was someone that “they” wanted to get rid of but couldn’t. Lovey called Punk an insane lunatic. Raven and Whitmer came to the ring and Raven grabbed the microphone to shoot his own promo. Raven called himself miserable and that he brought all his hate and loathing with him.

Punk and Raven started the match leading to Punk stomping on Raven in the corner. Raven made his comeback and put the boots to Punk leading to an interesting kick to Punk’s face as Punk was standing up. That was nice. Whitmer and Cabana tagged in and after Cabana stopped running the ropes on one exchange to do a goofy strut. Morrow said that this was Boston and not Memphis. Whitmer responded by hitting Cabana with a vertical suplex. Whitmer turned around to be nailed in the face with a steel chair by Punk. Raven came in with a chair and hit Cabana. Raven and Punk then teased a CHAIR FIGHT but Punk bailed out of the ring and ran to the back. Raven followed and forced Punk back to ringside by repeatedly hitting Punk with a garbage can. Punk was wearing a crimson mask at this point. Raven then had fans in the front row hold the trashcan as Raven drove Punk into it. This was fantastic.

Raven and Punk battled into the crowd and it was total chaos. Whitmer brought Cabana into the crowd and tossed Colt into Punk. Raven the gave Cabana a drop toe hold onto a chair and Whitmer did the same to Punk. Whitmer and Raven brought the Second City Saints back to the ring which allowed Punk to crotch Raven on the guardrail and Cabana clotheslined Whitmer out of the ring. Inside the ring Punk and Cabana gave Whitmer a double clothesline and then did a hilarious break dancing-like arm wave before Cabana came down with an elbow drop. Punk and Cabana hit Whitmer with stiff knees in the corner followed by a suplex and a facewash by Punk. Whitmer was then hit in the head by a running knee from Punk but moved out of the way of the next one which caused Punk to go to the floor. Cabana worked over Whitmer and waited for Punk to go to the top rope but as Punk dove, Whitmer moved out of the way and Punk hurricanrana’d Cabana. OH! Whitmer got the hot tag to Raven and he went wild on the Second City Saints hitting them with a ton of moves including “Mr. Wrestling II kneelifts” according to Chris Lovey. Raven gave Cabana a drop toe hold to send him through the ropes and followed that up with giving Punk the Raven Effect. Cabana stopped the pin attempt by dragging Raven out of the ring. Out of nowhere BJ Whitmer DIVED from the top rope onto Punk. Wow! 1..2…and the ref was pulled out of the ring by Cabana! Whitmer went to the ropes and gave Cabana an Exploder from inside the ring while Cabana was on the ring apron. Whitmer made the pin but there was no ref and this gave Punk a chance to hit Whitmer with a Shining Wizard (with a chair to boot)! THIS WAS AWESOME!!! Cabana made the pin and the ref finally came in but Raven stopped the count at two. Cabana then hit Whitmer with a Colt .45 for the three count. (16:50) Great match.

***After the match a maniacal Punk laughed at ringside before coming in and putting the boots to Raven. Punk grabbed a chair and drove it into Whitmer’s head as Cabana set up a table on the floor. Punk put the chair across Raven’s head and came down with a legdrop. Cabana laid Raven across the table and Punk went to the top rope and came crashing down with a legdrop. This was a fantastic visual because Whitmer was crawling over to the corner to stop Punk but was too late. With all the angles involved this was just tremendous.

***It’s intermission with Gary Michael Capetta and his guest was Matt Stryker. Capetta asked how “brow” was doing. Stryker said the “power of the brow” could be behind his current winning street. Stryker put over the guys he has beaten recently but feels like he is still Chad Collyer’s “whipping boy.” Stryker said he’s going to make The Technician Tom Carter pay for saying his victory over Carter was “cheap.”

***Prince Nana came over to Capetta and wanted to know if he was surprised to see the Prince of West Ghana back in ROH. Nana said he would go into the match tonight as a singles competitor and wants to move up in the rankings but is going to start out with a partner. Nana said this partner would take out anyone who came in Nana’s way.

(5) Prince Nana beat Diablo Santiago (w/Oman Tortuga). Nana looked like a giant bumblebee in his ring gear. Santiago got some offense to start the match including a suplex followed by a neckbreaker. Nana then chopped the hell out of Santiago before hitting an avalanche in the corner followed by a Big Butt to the face. Nana then finished off Diablo with Adam Copeland’s Edgecution. (2:20) Meh.

***After the match Nana grabbed Oman and slammed him on top of Santiago before hitting both of them with a senton.

(6) The SAT (Joel & Jose Maximo) beat Special (Mikey Whipwreck & Dixie w/Hydro, Lit, Izzy, Becky Bayless, AngelDust & Slugger). This was Bayless’ first appearance with Special K and she was wearing the hottest outfit she has EVER worn at a show. Some see-thru number with a pink bra. Joel and Mikey started the match and right away there was a flubbed up hurricanrana. Dixie was then given a crazy move in which Joel suplex’d him onto to Jose’s knees. Ouch. SAT soon applied the double team Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combo on Mikey and Dixie leading to Joel running the ropes several times before dropkicking Whipwreck in the face. Dixie then took a ride in the Pendulum, a move I love. Morrow and Lovey were all over the referee for constantly losing control of the match. The SAT gave Dixie a Maximo Explosion on the ring apron that was truly a “HOLY SHIT” moment. The crowd agreed with me. Special K then held the SAT as Whipwreck went to the top rope and did a Swanton onto the whole group. Back in the ring Jose hit a tornado DDT on Whipwreck for a two count and Joel hit Dixie with four straight powerbombs. Mikey caught Joel on the top rope and gave Joel a hurricanrana followed by a Whipper Snapper. Jose made the save. Dixie then fell victim to a swinging DDT from Jose from the top rope. (10:35) Really innovative stuff mixed in with seemingly a million botched moves.

***After the match the entire Special K squad hit the ring and put the boots to the SAT before fighting them to the back. Mikey Whipwreck was left alone in the ring and was jumped by the Carnage Crew. Whipwreck made a short comeback but turned around to be planted by a Justin Credible superkick . The Carnage Crew has a new member.

***Promo aired for the Field of Honor. COMING SOON it promised.

AJ Styles and Paul London lock up.

(7) A.J. Styles (w/Alexis Laree) vs. Paul London for the #1 Contender’s Trophy went to a draw. London’s entrance music was the stuff used in Kill Bill Vol 1 for the Crazy 88 group. Fans behind both guys at the start of the match. In one sequence at the start of the match Styles had a stretch on London, but London grabbed Styles leg and put it behind his own head to apply his own stretch. Just great stuff. London kept trying to get Styles to shake his hand again and eventually Styles slapped the taste out of London’s mouth. I couldn’t believe a series of moves that ended in a stalemate as both guys went for a dropkick at the same time and missed. London then went outside the ring for a breather followed by Styles going outside once London went back to the ring. The announcers really played up the “head games” aspect of the match. London offered another handshake and this time Styles clocked London and almost hit the Styles Clash but London wiggled out.

AJ came flying out of the ring but missed London and this allowed London to go back into the ring and come flying across with a dropkick through the ropes to nail Styles. Soon Styles had the advantage and tossed London into the barriers but London stopped himself and hit the charging Styles with a drop toe hold. London then tossed Styles to the barrier but AJ did his little jump over and went to superkick a charging London. Except this time London caught AJ’s leg and pulled him towards the barrier, which must have crushed Styles’ you-know-what. London let AJ’s leg just lay across the barrier and then came across with a stiff kick sending Styles to the hardwood floor. Crowd was eating all of this up.

Paul London about to get kicked right in the face.

London went to jump over the barrier but was caught in the face by a kick from Styles. CHOP FEST in the middle of the ring that was finished by a Styles enziguri. Styles than hit a NASTY swinging neckbreaker that had my head spinning. London grabbed an attempted kick and then took an enziguri kick straight to the face without flinching! I’ve never seen that before. London ducked a second enziguri attempt and gave Styles a Dragon Screw. London then continued his assault on Styles’ leg but his brainbuster attempt was blocked by Styles who hit a brainbuster of his own. London slid outside the ring, grabbed Styles leg, and abused the holy hell out of it using the ring apron. London applied a heel hook on London while standing on Styles’ other leg. Damn! Both men were on their back and just starting hitting each other in the face until London finally collapsed to the mat. The two then went toe to toe in the middle of the ring with Styles going BESERK with punches ending with a clothesline causing London to take a 360 degree bump.

Styles then crushed London with a variation of a piledriver but London kicked out at two. London tried a quebrada but Styles ducked only to hit a quebrada of his own followed by his patented inverted DDT. Styles put London on the top rope and went for a superplex but Lodon headbutted his way out of it, dumped AJ to the mat and hit a LONDON STAR PRESS onto Style’s leg. WOW!!!!! London went for a figure four by Styles countered with a small package for a two count. London then locked on the figure four as the crowd yelled out WHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO! Styles crawled to the ropes to break up the hold. London then put Styles on the top rope but this time AJ headbutt’d out of whatever move London was going to do. London climbed back up and went for a superplex but Styles punched his way out of it, sending London to the mat. London came back again for a suplex but was again punched to the mat. London charged in for a hurricanrana but it was blocked by AJ who instead hit London with a powerbomb! Styles then hit the STYLES CLASH but is too hurt to make the pin!! Styles crawls over and finally made the pin attempt but London kicked out at two. Styles then hit London with a SICK German Suplex, but since both men’s shoulders were down the ref counted to three and called it a draw. (24:20) Just awesome in every way. Seriously, the match was so good I wasn’t even pissed about a bulls*** draw finish.

***After the match the crowd chanted FIVE MORE MINUTES. Lodon and Styles finally got to their feet and after an extended staredown, finally shook hands. A fan yelled out “that was worth the price of admission alone” and Chris Lovey agreed.

(8) The Prophecy (Christopher Daniels & Dan Maff & Donovan Morgan w/Allison Daner) beat The Group (Samoa Joe & Michael Shane & CW Anderson) in a Losing Stable Must Disband match. The Group’s entrance wasn’t even shown. That’s usually a tell tale sign and ranks right up there with Mick Foley showing up at the Texas Sportatorium for a Loser Leaves Town Match with his car packed with everything he owned. Daniels and Shane start the match which is appropriate considering it was Shane’s superkick on Daniels started the war. Unfortunately the war could only escalate so far considering the leader of the Group, Steve Corino, missed this show because he was arrested during that whole check kiting thing with his ex-girlfriend.

Maff and Anderson tagged in for a CHOP FEST leading to Anderson smacking Maff in the face like a bitch. This just caused Maff to go NUTS and eventually he slapped Anderson in the face as well. Joe versus Morgan was next and as they were going at it Chris Lovey announced that at the next show Styles would defend the NWA Title against TNA’s X Division champion Chris Sabin. Have things changed in the last year and a half or what? Joe caught Morgan with a STO and then laid Morgan out with Anderson. Morgan took an arm stunner from Anderson before Shane came in to work on the arm as well. Maff got the hot tag from Morgan and tore through the Group ending with a senton onto Shane for a two count. Shane came back with a superkick of his own for a two count. Maff hit Shane with the cannonball and went for the Burning Hammer but that was stopped by a superkick by Anderson. Shane tossed Maff outside the ring which let Joe put him on a chair and nail the OLE OLE OLE kick.

Back in the ring Joe stiff kicked Maff in the chest followed by a butterfly suplex. Shane came in and was slapping Maff right in the face but Maff ducked an enziguri and suplexed Shane right onto his head. Daniels comes in and kicked all sorts of ass including hitting Anderson and Joe with a combo DDT/Flatliner. Daniels slammed Anderson and hit the Best Moonsault Ever for a two count. Morgan suplexed Joe for a two count and then gave a Golden Gate Swing for another two count. Anderson came in and gave Morgan a Ferris Wheel suplex for a two count. Anderson superplexed Morgan which led to a great visual of Shane coming off the top rope with a picture perfect elbow on Morgan and Maff flying across with a shoulder onto Anderson. Joe and Daniels both made the save for their respective teams. Maff and Joe fought outside the ring as Daniels and Morgan gave Shane REVELATIONS. Anderson broke up that pin. Anderson then gave Morgan a spinebuster for a two count. Joe and Maff get tagged in and battle in the center of the ring. Maff lifted Joe up for the Burning Hammer but Joe slipped out and gave Maff stiff knees to the head followed by slaps to the face. Out of nowhere Maff gave Joe a legsweep and flipped over Joe for a pin and won the match. (20:55)
Dan Maff and Christopher of the Daniels celebrate a big win.

Jimmy Jac’t Cash beat Lit in a Bonus Match. This was from an earlier Showcase Card so there is no announcer. Even heavily clipped it’s obvious Lit belongs nowhere near a ring.

AngelDust & Cloudie & Slugger (w/Special K) beat the Ring Crew Express & Slyk Wagner Brown (w/April Hunter). AngelDust made the pin after Slugger gave a Bodybag to Brown. Thankfully Slugger wore his black suit instead of his ring gear. This win gave AngelDust in the Four Corner Survival Match for the main card.

***The Prophecy is backstage and Daniels said the Group didn’t hold up their end of the war between the two. Daniels said Maff hit a homerun by pinning Joe and added that Maff deserves a shot at the ROH title. After Donovan Morgan, Allison Danger and Dan Maff left, Daniels was called back by Raven. Daniels walked over to Raven and Raven said he needed someone who could have his back against Punk and Cabana. Daniels said it was an intriguing proposition and he said he respected Raven. Raven said, “Let’s not make this a mutual blow job appreciation society.” Daniels agreed to partner up against the Second City Saints.

***Samoa Joe closed the show by saying that while the Prophecy may think they have him where they want him, Joe is more than ready for him. Joe told Dan Maff that on June 28th “YOU GOT YOUR SHOT…with the champ. You rung the bell. You have been heard. Now you will be silenced. I’m Samoa Joe. I am pro wrestling. And the one thing you have to remember when you step in that ring you are stepping in the ring with the Ring of Honor World Champion.” Great promo.

***Special K approached the ROH Lighting Guy and asked him to turn the lights off for a rave. Lighting Guy told them to get lost. Slugger told Lighting Guy to “kill the lights.” Lighting Guy complied. As the group danced they were jumped by the Carnage Crew. Credible shot a promo saying he was bringing it to a new level.

Overall Thoughts: Holy cow, even in ROH scale the match between AJ Styles and Paul London is one of the year’s greatest. Other than the Prince Nana squash match this card is damn good highlighted by another great Homicide match in the four way and the continuation of the CM Punk/Raven war. I was disappointed that Steve Corino wasn’t involved in the main event, but the guys who were there put on a terrific match. Click Here to purchase the disc or head on over to and check out all the other videos they have to offer.

ROH DVD Guy Derek Burgan has been writing for the PWTorch website for over three years. If you have any questions, corrections, feedback, comments and ideas, he can be reached at:

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