This report has been updated to reflect a corrected third hour viewership number. There was a data error in our initial source’s report that included, we believe, a specific demo viewership number rather than overall viewership number, in the third hour data field. We regret the error.
This week’s Raw rating (5/31) fell on a holiday, Memorial Day, and dropped to an all-time record low rating of 1.10, down from 1.20 last week and 1.35 the prior week, according to PWTorch’s source in the TV industry. The holiday probably cost Raw some viewers, but regardless, Raw has aired on holidays before and never dropped to that level. The previous all-time low rating for Raw was the Dec. 14, 2020 episode which drew a 1.12 rating. Raw drew a 1.15 rating on July 13, 2020. Those are the only three Raw ratings below 1.20.
The demos held up better, with the 18-49 demo drawing a 0.44, down from 0.45 last week. The male 18-49 demo held steady at 0.57. The male 18-34 demo drew 0.34, above the four-week average leading into this week of 0.32.
The hourly viewership numbers were: 1,536,000 viewers , 1,549,000, and 1,586,000, according to a PostWrestling.com report. The increase from the first-to-third hour viewership of 50,000 is much better than the yearly average dropoff of 175,000.
Raw on Monday night headlined with Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston with the winner facing Bobby Lashley for the WWE Title at the Hell in a Cell PPV. The third hour opened with A.J. Styles & Omos vs. Jaxson Ryker & Elias, plus Reginald visiting Alexa Bliss on her playground.
So this has been proven als false (see ProWrestling.net), yet it still remains on your site, even after multiple hours have passed. Will you correct this fake-news or not?