AUGUST 29, 2017
Announcers: Vic Joseph and Corey Graves
– The show begins with footage from last week’s show, focusing on what happened with The Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher.
– Vic Joseph welcomes us to 205 Live, along with Corey Graves. They recap Enzo Amore joining 205 Live. Tonight’s main event will be Enzo & Cedric Alexander & Gran Metalik vs. Noam Dar & Tony Nese & Drea Gulak.
(1) The Brian Kendrick vs. Jack Gallagher – No Disqualification Match
Kendrick entered first, followed by Gallagher who was in his gentleman attire, hands tape and umbrella in hand. Match begins with Kendrick berating the Englishman. “I am a fighter Jack, you understand me?!” Jack looks unbothered and stands cool and calm. After a few moments of intense stare down, the competitors finally lock horns. Kendrick looks for a tie up but is met with a barrage of strikes from Gallagher. Brian is stuck in the corner and is the recipient of multiple European uppercuts. Kendrick manages to connect with a back elbow and attempts to strike Jack with the aforementioned umbrella. The Gentleman catches the brolly and head-butts Kendrick, man with the plan didn’t work out so well. Gallagher, now wielding the umbrella, begins to beat on Kendrick with multiple strikes to the back, each time the umbrella bending over the body. The umbrella is finally done for and it gives Brian a moment to roll to the outside.
Jack calmly follows The Brian Kendrick to the outside, runs towards him and connects with a running dropkick in the corner. Gallagher now beats on Kendrick through the crowd using his fists, the railing and even a case from the ring crew side. Jack drags Kendrick towards the stage area where he slams him in to the LED board of the entrance set. Gallagher is so calm and collect, methodical in his assault. The action is finally back to the ring but Kendrick rolls out to get away from Jack, this doesn’t work and is met with a baseball slide that sends him in to the announce table. Again Gallagher pauses so admire his work and sits on the ring apron watching Brian squirm along the ringside area. Gentleman Jack hoists Kendrick on to the announce table, and mounts him along with dropping down huge right hands. Gallagher attempts to strip the table in preparation for dropping Kendrick through it, but this gave Brian time to recover and attack Jack with a Kendo stick. He than grabs the head of Gallagher and smashes it in to the edge of the ring steps multiple time. Gallagher is busted open. Kendrick continues his assault and traps the Gentleman’s foot under the ring, leaving him with no defense from multiple shots from the Kendo stick again. Eventually Gallagher wriggles free but the referee jumps in to separate the two and assesses the cut to the head. Ringside doctor comes in and patches up the Englishman. Kendrick rolls Gallagher back in, slams him with a DDT on the ring bell then locks in the Captains Hook with the Kendo stick for the win.
WINNER: The Brian Kendrick via Stoppage
(Weir’s Analysis: Good match. It’s definitely the perfect way to end the rivalry and move both men on to other things. Emphatic from Kendrick.)
– Backstage as Dasha interviews Noam Dar, Drew Gulak and Tony Nese. Noam makes it clear he only lost to Enzo because he underestimated him. Drew promises tonight’s first match for Enzo on 205 Live, will be his last.
– Advertisement plays for Mae Young Classic, which is now live to watch the first four episodes only on the WWE Network.
– Back to the show and TJP makes his way to commentary to watch the following match involving Rich Swann and Ariya Daivari.
(2) Rich Swann vs. Ariya Daivari
Footage plays from 2 weeks ago, when TJP’s distraction lead to Swann to lose against Daivari. Swann enters first, and followed by Daivari. Split screen shows Daivari telling us that Swann has no class when blaming his loss to a distraction and plans to beat him again tonight. Daivari dedicates tonight’s match to recent gold medal winner Hassan Yazdani. TJP confirms on commentary that his recovery is going well for his knee injury.
The competitors lock up and Ariya slams down Swann with a belly to back suplex, follow by a strong headlock. Both men go back and forth with different transitional holds. Rich manages to get going running the ropes, flipping over Daivari and then connecting with a high dropkick for a near fall. Swann attempts to whip Ariya but it is reversed as he grabs the hair of Swann and lands a reverse DDT for a two count. Daivari now beats down Rich with multiple hits to the kidney area. Swann fights back, lands a spinning heel kick to the stomach then off the ropes for a front flip leg drop to the back of Daivari’s neck. Gets a close two count. Rich rolls of the ropes and up for a big splash but Daivari rolls to the outside before he can get a pin. Rich follows him outside but is flapjacked on to the announce table. Ariya attempts to use the crutch of TJP but he grabs it back, causing a distraction and Swann rolls up the Iranian for the win.
WINNER: Rich Swann
– After the match Daivari attacks TJP and rolls him inside, out of nowhere TJP’s injury seems to be gone as he connects with a springboard forearm and then a jumping spinning heel kick. Swann watches on with confusion on his face as he thought his friend was actually hurt. Fans in the arena actually cheering “TJP.” In his own way of putting it in the face of TJP, Swann jumps out of the ring and hands him his crutch again and walks away. It seemed to enrage the Dabbing Sensation and he took out his anger on Daivari who suffered the Detonation Kick.
(Weir’s Analysis: Short match, all about TJP and Swann rather than the match. Stupidly TJP had bandages around his knee… whilst wearing jeans. I wasn’t ware that’s how we wore bandages in 2017.)
– Camera cuts to backstage where Gran Metalik and Cedric Alexander are preparing for their match tonight. in comes Enzo Amore. Enzo wants to create a game plan for tonight’s and sees himself a player/coach role. Cedric cuts him off and says himself and Gran Metalik have been doing this since the first day of 205 Live. Amore gives the guys a pep talk and seems to win them around.
(3) Tony Nese & Drew Gulak & Noam Dar vs. Cedric Alexander & Gran Metalik & Enzo Amore
Nese, Dar, and Gulak make their way to the ring first, individually. Gran Metalik, Alexander then Enzo Amore enter next. Enzo addresses his opponents tonight. Amore reminds Dar of his loss last night and also calls Gulak “Captain Underpants.” Enzo and Drew Gulak start things off. Gulak drags Enzo around the ring and manipulating the arm. Enzo tries to take down Drew but looks very tentative and Gulak is unimpressed from what he has seen so far. Amore manages to tag in Alexander and Gulak tags Tony Nese. Alexander gets going early by running the ropes, ducking under Nese and executing a backflip head scissors and then a drop kick. Cedric in control and tags back in Enzo. He attempts to take Nese by the arm but is pushed off and takes a dropkick to the face for his efforts. Tony gets too cocky and pushes the head of Enzo multiple times, Smacktalker Skywalker gets fired up and flat lines the Premier Athlete for a near fall as Gulak and Dar break it up.
The match descends into a free for all, with Gulak and Dar thrown to the outside and soon followed by Alexander and Metalik with stereo Tope Con Hilo’s. Enzo looks like he is going to attempt a dive too and is cut off by Nese. Graves think it would have ended badly for Amore and he was thinking “monkey see, monkey do.” Nese now has Enzo grounded and his arrogantly gloating about being in charge, even mimicking the dance Amore does around the ring. Enzo manages to tag Alexander who flies in with a springboard clothesline, couple running clotheslines and a stiff back elbow. He attempts his handspring roundhouse kick but is stopped by the Supernova and then dragged outside by Tony Nese. Noam Dar and Nese now beat down Cedric on the outside as Enzo has inadvertently got the referees attention. Gulak is tagged in and tried to ground Cedric but he fights back with a strong right hand but the favour is returned from Drew with a back elbow. Alexander lands his handspring roundhouse kick off the ropes and gets to tag his team mate, Gran Metalik. The King of the Ropes flies off the top rope for a springboard arm drag on Nese, a super kick in the corner and then a sling-blade bulldog. Another springboard dropkick and Metalik gets a near fall, Metalik goes back to the top rope for a senton but Gulak pulls out Nese at the last second. After Metalik crashed and burned on that landing, he manages to crawl to a fresh Enzo Amore who gets the tag. Amore flies in with a high cross body and gets a two count on The Premier Athlete, he then executes Eat Defeat to Noam Dar (Enzo called the move the Jordunzo earlier on) and then rolled up Tony Nese for the win, with his feet on the ropes. Not so flattering way to win but a win nonetheless on his 205 Live debut. All three opponents looked shocked as Enzo celebrated with his team mates Alexander and Gran Metalik.
WINNERS: Enzo Amore & Gran Metalik & Cedric Alexander
– After the match, cameras backstage showed the Cruiserweight Champion, Neville, laughing away at what he just seen from Enzo Amore.
(Weir’s Analysis: Wasn’t a bad main event, but Enzo looked completely out of his depth in there with these amazingly talented guys. I get he can talk the talk, but he can’t walk the walk. If he faces Neville, then good luck to Neville making Enzo look good.)
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 8/22 WWE 205 LIVE REPORT: Detailed results and analysis of the show
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