KELLER’S WWE EXTREME RULES PPV REPORT 6/4: Balor vs. Joe vs. Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Wyatt for Universal Title shot

By Wade Keller , PWTorch editor


JUNE 4, 2017


(A) KALISTO vs. APOLLO CREWS (w/Titus O’Neal)

WINNER: Kalisto in 10:00.

-Kurt Angle picked Samoa Joe, Sam Roberts picked Seth Rollins, and David Otunga picked Bray Wyatt.


-After the Extreme Rules intro video, they went live to the arena right to Miz’s ring entrance with Maryse.

(1) DEAN AMBROSE vs. THE MIZ (w/Maryse) – Intercontinental Title match

Cole said Ambrose has held his title for 152 days and it’s longer than any other title holder in WWE today. Cole said this is Miz’s 92nd PPV match. He also wished Harley Race a speedy recovery from an in-home accident. Early on when Miz slapped Dean, Cole said: “Miz doing everything he can to get Ambrose excited.” He meant get him riled up and perhaps get DQ’d which would cost him the title. They fought at ringside a few minutes in. Dean ducked Miz and drove him back-first into the ring apron. Dean entered the ring to break the count. Cole said Dean wants to beat Miz good tonight to get back for all the things Miz has said and done. When Dean picked up a chair, the ref warned him. That gave Miz an opening to hit Dean. Maryse distracted the ref. Miz grabbed a chair and Dean blocked it. When Dean picked up the chair, the ref saw that and warned him again to drop it.

Miz gave Dean a DDT on the ring apron. Dean leaned awkwardly over the edge of the ring apron. Miz rolled him into the ring and scored a near fall. Dean elbowed out of a headlock after Miz called the next spot. Dean went for a Lunatic Lariat, but Miz ducked and dropped Dean and scored a two count. When Miz got aggressive with closed fists, the ref warned him. Graves said there’s been so much focus on Dean potentially getting himself DQ’d, it’s also worth saying Miz could cost himself this chance by getting DQ’d. Cole said the ref might be giving them more lee-way because of the stipulation. Miz hit some dropkicks against Ambrose in the corner.

Ambrose countered a Skull Crushing Finale with an arm drag and then knocked Miz off the top rope with a forearm, knocking Miz to the floor below. Dean flew off the top rope with an elbow to Miz’s head. Both were slow to get up. Back in the ring, after a nice back and forth sequence, Dean landed a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall. Dean climbed to the top rope and leaped off, but Miz ducked. Dean sold a knee injury afterward. Miz went right at it with kicks. Miz applied a figure-four mid-ring. Dean tried to reverse it or reach for the bottom rope. Miz lifted to add extra torque. Dean did grab the bottom rope and the ref forced Miz to break, but Miz didn’t until right before the ref’s five count. Ambrose couldn’t stand.

Miz went for another figure-four, but Ambrose rolled him up for a two count. Dean climbed to the top rope gingerly. Cole talked about Dean’s heart. Miz knocked Dean off balance. He went for a superplex. A “Let’s Go Ambrose / Let’s Go Miz” battle chant broke out. Dean head butted Miz to block it. Dean slipped down and tried to give Miz a running powerbomb. Miz yanked the turnbuckle off the top in the process. Dean tried to throw Miz head-first into the turnbuckle, but the ref warned him. Dean stopped. Miz gave Dean a running knee for a two count. Both were slow to get up again. Miz round kicked Dean. Graves said they should be renamed the It Kicks because they’re the It Couple. Booker agreed with him for some reason.

Dean countered and slipped on a quick figure-four. Miz grabbed the bottom rope and had to break or risk being DQ’d. Miz cried in agony. He hopped over to Dean from behind and tried to give him a Skull Crushing Finale, but Dean countered with a roll-up for a near fall. Dean gave Miz a big clothesline. Maryse was standing on the ring apron when Dean charged toward the ropes. He stopped in his tracks. Miz charged at Dean, but Dean moved. Miz elbowed Dean. Miz told Maryse to slap him. She did. Miz went down. The ref yelled, “I know what you’re doing!” He kicked her out of ringside. The crowd popped. Booker said, “I gotta give it to Miz. It’s a nice piece of trickery and it almost worked.” Dean rolled up a distracted Miz who was protesting the ref’s decision. Maryse walked back. The ref yelled at her. Miz threw Dean at the ref. The ref tumbled to the floor. The ref asked Dean if he pushed him. Why would Dean have done that? Cole yelled that Dean didn’t do it on purpose. Dean pleaded his case. Cole said he can’t make that call. Miz then gave Dean a Skull Crushing Finale from behind for the win.

WINNER: Miz in 20:00. (***1/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: This was a good match that did a good job building a foundation early for the DQ rule, saying Miz was trying to “get Dean excited” so that maybe he’d make a bad mistake and get himself DQ’d. The gimmick of Maryse slapping Miz to try to get the ref to DQ her was corny and predictable, yet I liked how they framed it as sort of a “happy accident” and Miz just thought “on the spot” the ref might buy that Maryse was mad at Miz for bumping into her or yelling at her. The ref, at least, was smart enough not to buy it, as that would have been ridiculous if he did. I know referees have to be buffoons in pro wrestling a lot of the time, but having the ref see what they were up to and kick Maryse to the back was a good call here. Ultimately it was clear how Dean was handicapped by being scared of being DQ’d and that left him open to constantly having to adjust his gameplan or explain himself to the ref, ultimately leading to his demise. The crowd ate it up, so good opener.)

-A commercial aired hyping Money in the Bank.


Swann is from Baltimore and got a nice pop. Cole explained that Alica and Cedric Alexander were together, but Dar stole then stole Alicia (as if she couldn’t make her own decisions), then Swann tried to help Cedric, Alicia went to Swann who didn’t really want her and dumped her, and then she ran back to Dar. Graves said Swan tried to ruin a beautiful relationship, but true love came through and conquered all and now Fox and Dar are happy together as fate intended.

The women battled early for a couple minutes. Swann and Dar tagged in and it took about ten seconds for Cole to say “Swann loves to have fun.” Swann nailed Dar with a nice reverse hook kick to the head. Dar went down. When Fox ran in, Sasha cut her off. They had an awkward battle and rolled to the floor. When Banks climbed to the top rope, Dar stepped in and moved Fox away. Banks leaped onto Dar instead. Swann then threw Dar into the ring and landed the Phoenix Splash for the win. Swann then did his creepy head bobbing smile at the hard camera immediately. Banks and Swann danced together.

WINNERS: Swann & Banks in 6:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: They kept it short. Fox remains awkward about half the time she tries to do anything in the ring. When Banks and Swann danced afterward, Banks looked like someone at a wedding who is more sober than everyone but talked into getting on the dance floor and she gives a half-hearted effort and is unconvincing that she’s enjoying herself.)

-Elias Samson said he wrote a song inspired by a walk down the harbor earlier. He asked everyone to hold their applause until he was finished. “Baltimore is bathed in filth,” he began. “And these people are the same. This city is so depressing, and you’re all to blame. All the night, where the rules are no more, Elias Samson has come along to open up the door. See, there is a beast among us and he is waiting to be tamed by a dark and cursed soldier waiting to be maimed.” He went into the chorus about how Elias always has a plan, and “what it needs is what I am.” Boos.

-They went to the announcers. Booker inexplicably said that guy is good. Did he mean singing, because no. Graves said he wants to file assault charges for what Elias just did to his eardrums.

(3) ALEXA BLISS vs. BAYLEY – Kendo Stick on a Pole match for the WWE Raw Women’s Title match

Bayley had to help one of the blow-up things fill up with air. Bad omen. They went to more announce teams to introduce themselves to their audiences on camera. Graves said he didn’t like the look in the eyes of Bayley. Cole said Bayley got her education watching Sandman and Tommy Dreamer using kendo sticks. Graves said knowing how to use them isn’t the same as having the guts to do it. The announcers discussed whether Bayley can thrive in this type of match. Booker said she likes to go through life doing things the right way and she cannot thrive in this environment.

Bliss went for the kendo stick early, but Bayley stopped her. Another battle chant broke out, high-pitched voices saying “Let’s Go Bayley” and deeper voices chanting “Let’s Go Bliss.” A couple minutes in, Bliss climbed to the top rope to get the tick. Bayley cut her off. Bayley grabbed it first, but Bliss knocked it out of her hands They both fell down and to ringside. Both crawled toward the stick, then raced to it. Bayley cut off Bliss and drove her hard into the barricade. Bayley got her hands on the stick and chased Bliss around ringside. Bliss rolled into the ring and begged off. Cole said she has nowhere to go. Bliss tackled Bayley after Bayley made a big production of swinging it. Bliss then began bashing Bayley with the stick over and over.

Bayley came back with a Bayley-to-Belly. Both were slow to get up, as Bayley was still selling the kendo stick shots. Bliss rolled over to grab the stick again. Bliss shoved Bayley into the stick leading in the corner, then bashed her across the back again. She followed with a DDT and scored the three count. Booker even said before the ref counted, “This is it.” And it was. Cole said Bayley hesitated with the stick and it cost her.

WINNER: Bliss in 5:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Yes, they told the story that Bayley had a chance and hesitated as an excuse for her losing quickly and decisively, but overall she came off looking weak here. Strong push for Bliss continues.)

-They showed some Adam Jones of the Baltimore Orioles along with other teammates. One was dressed as I.R.S., I think

-They went to the announcers on the stage who plugged MITB.

(4) THE HARDYS vs. CESARO & SHEAMUS – Cage Match for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships

Booker said Cesaro & Sheamus are all about the Two C’s: Checks and Championships. No pins or submissions; both members of each team have to escape the cage to win. Cole said Unforgiven in 2000 and Survivor Series 2001 are the only two times tag team titles have been defended in a cage. A loud “Delete” chant broke out right before the bell.

At the opening bell, Sheamus and Cesaro both tried to climb the cage and escape. The Hardys yanked them back down. Cesaro tried to run out of the door, although he would have left Sheamus alone. Cesaro tried to climb over the top, but Cole said even if Cesaro escaped, it wouldn’t do Sheamus any good. Graves said they have to time it out correctly so they don’t leave a partner alone two-on-one. Booker said this is the first time the rules are requiring both wrestlers in a team to escape to win, so this will require new strategy.

Matt and Sheamus each tried to escape opposite sides of the cage. Cole said that wouldn’t do either team any good. Graves said if both escape, it’s a neutral move as one member from each team would be left to fight to the finish. Every time Matt and Jeff shoved Cesaro and Sheamus’s heads into the back of the cage, some fans chanted “Delete!” The match consisted of extended stretches of wrestlers just yanking on the feet of others who were trying to escape, then clubbing each other with forearms to fill time between. When Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick, Jeff ducked and threw Cesaro into the cage. Matt then gave Sheamus a tornado DDT. “Delete!” chants. Matt played into them a bit. Jeff climbed one corner and escaped as Matt tried to escape over another corner. Sheamus caught up with Matt and Cesaro caught up with Jeff, but Jeff was further along. Jeff dropped, but Cesaro hung onto his arm. Jeff knocked Cesaro off of him and dropped to the floor.

Meanwhile, Matt dropped back into the cage and gave Cesaro a Side Effect. He gave Sheamus a Side Effect. Matt then climbed to the top rope. Cesaro grabbed his legs. Jeff climbed the cage from the outside and pulled on Matt’s left arm to try to help him over, although it seemed to put Matt in a rough spot. Cesaro headbutted Jeff and then he and Sheamus dragged Matt back into the ring. They gave Matt a double running Razor’s Edge. Jeff slammed the door on Cesaro. Sheamus kicked the door into Jeff and knocked him to the floor. Matt grabbed Sheamus’s leg to keep him from escaping, although it might have helped him to let Sheamus escape so he could just focus on Cesaro one-on-one.

Matt gave Sheamus a Twist of Fate mid-ring and then ran over and yanked Cesaro off the top rope to the mat. Matt climbed to the top of the cage quickly. Cesaro caught up and head-butted him and dragged him back over. Cesaro gave him an uppercut. Sheamus climbed to the top rope to join Cesaro. Sheamus gave Matt a White Noise from the top rope. Ouch. Cesaro helped drive Matt to the mat. Jeff took off his shirt and climbed the cage to try to save his brother. Cole said it’d be back to a double escape. Booker asked if that was legal. Cole said all is legal in a cage match. Jeff then landed a Whisper in the Wind off the top of the cage onto Sheamus and Cesaro. Cole exclaimed, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” The crowd broke into a “This is awesome!” chant. Cole said this is a reset point in the match with all four back in the ring.

Matt opened the door and went to help Jeff get up, but Jeff was still selling the landing. Cesaro and Sheamus climbed over the top and then dropped down just as Matt yanked Jeff to the floor. Matt wasn’t sure if they won or lost until the announcement was made and the ref brought the belts to the heel duo on the other side of the cage.

WINNERS: Cesaro & Sheamus to capture the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles in 15:00. (***)

(Keller’s Analysis: I thought they pulled that off pretty well. The first two-third was a little repetitious, but I ultimately liked the added element of the rules requiring both members of the team to escape. Jeff returning and bitting a big spot off the top was a highlight, and I liked that he sold it. The finish was clever and very well timed, even if Cesaro and Sheamus did have to do the “slow climb down the cage” to give Matt a chance to get he and Jeff in position. They should have decided and announced the rules when the match was announced on TV and explained it well ahead of time so not only did the PPV audience know going in and have time to think about different strategies, but also so the live crowd fully understood.)

-A WWE Network commercial aired.

(5) NEVILLE vs. AUSTIN ARIES – Submission Match for the Cruiserweight Title

Cole said the last time there was a submission match for a WWE Title, it was Survivor Series 1994 when Bob Backlund beat Bret Hart. Neville worked over Aries’ arm right at the start. A few minutes in, Neville yanked Aries’ arm over the edge of the ring apron while battling at ringside. He chopped him in the chest. Back in the ring, though, Aries applied a figure-four. Neville rolled his over, but Aries rolled through to keep on the pressure. Aries reached the bottom rope to force a break. Aries climbed to the top rope a minute later and went for a flying dropkick. Neville avoided it and applied the Rings of Saturn. Aries tried to shift his feet toward the bottom rope. He got his foot on it to force a break and some fans actually booed.

Aries reversed Neville into a Rings of Saturn mid-ring. Graves noted he didn’t have as good of a grip. Neville grabbed onto the ref’s arm. Aries let go and told the ref not to DQ him because he didn’t want to lose his chance at winning the title. Neville then superkicked Aries. They battled on the top rope. Aries applied a guillotine while up there. Aries released and landed a sunset flip powerbomb and then rolled right into a Last Chancery. Neville teased tapping out, but instead shifted to under the bottom rope and scurried to the floor. Aries held on. Aries applied it at ringside. Neville tapped, but the ref said that didn’t count. “You gotta yell it inside the ring!” he said.

Aries threw Neville onto the ring apron. Neville yanked Aries’ left arm over the top rope. Aries came back with a discus five-arm with his good right arm. Aries then went for a running dive through the ropes, but Neville ducked. Neville then landed the Red Arrow onto Aries’ back. Aries verbally submitted. Graves called it one of the most spectacular Red Arrows he’s ever seen.

WINNER: Neville to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title in 18:00. (***)

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. The Neville tapout on the floor was meant to protect Aries a bit, but ultimately it was a strong and decisive clear win for Neville. Although he alone is not the “answer” to getting the Cruiserweight Division over like WWE hopes, he’s a good central heel and on one else has really stepped up as the obvious other person to build around yet. Aries is close. So I like keeping the title on him and just sticking with a long-term champion for the division because doing rapid-fire, frequent title changes won’t help the division at all. He’s now the longest reigning of the current WWE Champions with Dean’s loss earlier.)

-A “Great Balls of Fire” PPV commercial aired. Yes, it included the Jerry Lee Lewis 1950s song as the theme. So strange.


Ring entrance order is the order listed above. The boos rang out even before Reigns’s music played. Cole said Paul Heyman sent word via Twitter that “the suspense is extreme.” Reigns stood in the ring alone as Bray battled Balor at ringside and Jose battled Seth on the other side of the ring. Bray rammed Balor into the ring apron and then entered to face Reigns. Reigns stared him down and landed two uppercuts. He lifted Bray off the top rope and gave him a running Samoan Drop. He yelled down at Bray. Joe then entered and swung Reigns around and went for a Samoan Drop. Reigns escaped and gave Joe a Samoan Drop. Balor entered and took his turn to be manhandled by Reigns. Reigns went for a Samoan Drop, but Balor escaped. Reigns powered Balor into the corner, then blocked a Balor kick and punched him. Seth then entered. Reigns smiled and nodded.

Joe and Bray attacked Reigns. Seth watched for a second, then went after Joe. Bray threw Reigns shoulder-first into the ringpost. Graves questioned Seth’s strategy. Bray threw Reigns shoulder-first into the ringpost. Cole said this is the first Fatal Five-way match in over nine years on WWE PPV. A “Let’s Go Roman/ Roman Sucks” chant broke out. Seth dove through the ropes onto Joe at ringside. Bray, meanwhile, kicked Bray inside the ring. Balor stomped on anyone who tried to re-enter the ring. He stood alone and accepted some cheers. Ten he did a flip dive into Joe, Bray, and Seth. Reigns was spared, and he charged in and gave Balor a running punch. Boos. He threw Balor into the ringside barricade.

Reigns went for a Drive By on Bray, but Joe cut him off mid-air with an axe handle to the chest. Joe threw Reigns into the ringside barrier. Bray and Joe squared off. Joe and Bray then worked together against Reigns, whipping him into the ringside steps. Bray stepped on Reigns’s forearm. Reigns and Joe then rammed Seth with the ringside steps. The charged at Balor and knocked him down, too. They walked over rammed into Reigns, too. Booker said Joe is just going along with Bray and wondered if Bray is controlling him. Cole said neither is in control; they’re both working to their mutual benefit. Graves said no one controls Joe. It’s like Booker said something Vince McMahon didn’t like at all, and then the other announcers had to clean it up, and boy did they quickly and decisively.

Back in the ring Bray and Joe worked together against Balor. Seth entered and went to work on Joe and Bray. When he dove at Bray, Bray punched him in the jaw. Bray took a quick shot at Reigns, which popped a part of the crowd, then went back to Seth and DDT’d him into the ringside steps. Joe put Balor in a Coquina Clutch mid-ring. Balor pushed off the top rope rope with his feet and escaped and then hit a quick double stomp. Bray entered and bashed Balor with a chair. When Reigns entered the ring, Bray began bashing Reigns with a chair. Cheers and a small “One one more time” chant. Bray held up the chair and looked at Joe. Joe held up his hand. Bray hit Balor with the chair instead. Joe and Bray worked together again. Joe put the chair on Joe’s chest. Bray landed a Senton Splash, but hit the back of his head on the chair too.

Bray told Joe he had a good idea. He wedged the chair into the corner and they Balor in the corner against it. Then Joe whipped Bray into it, but Balor lifted his boot and caught Bray. Balor then threw a charging Joe head-first into the wedged chair. He ducked a charging Bray. Reigns then hit the Drive By out of nowhere on Bray. Boos. Reigns rolled up Balor and then one-arm slammed him. He yelled. Joe charged, but Reigns gave him a flying clothesline. Reigns clotheslined Bray over and over in the corner as the crowd counted along to nine. Joe charged but Reigns moved and Joe crushed Bray. Reigns then gave Joe a boot to the face. Reigns went after Bray with a hard clothesline. Booker called it “stiff.” Reigns played to the crowd, getting a mixed reaction. Reigns signaled for the spear, but Joe yanked him out of the ring. Reigns pounded on Joe. Bray attacked Reigns from behind. Bray chokeslammed Reigns onto the announce table. A “One more time!” chant rang out. No sign for Seth for a long time here, but he appeared in the ring.

Seth went after Bray inside the ring and he scored a quick two count. Joe charged Seth, but Seth lifted his boot. Seth then gave Bray and Joe a double blockbuster. He covered Bray and scored a near fall. Seth dove through the ropes, but it didn’t look great. The announcers acknowledged it. Bray went after Seth, but Seth shoved him out of the ring. Seth then dove again, and Bray shoved Joe into Seth’s path. Back in the ring Bray clotheslined Seth. Seth was slow to get up. Seth, though, got up and surprised Bray with a Falcon Arrow. Seth leaped off the top rope at Bray, but Bray gave him a Sister Abigail. Joe broke up the pin. He then yelled at Bray for what happened at ringside a few minutes earlier. Bray tried to explain, but shoved Joe when it was clear he had no good answer. Joe threw him across the ring and hit a hard elbow into the corner. He roundkicked him and scored a soft two count.

Reigns went for a Drive By on Bray, but Joe cut him off mid-air with an axe handle to the chest. Joe threw Reigns into the ringside barrier. Bray and Joe squared off. Joe and Bray then worked together against Reigns, whipping him into the ringside steps. Bray stepped on Reigns’s forearm. Reigns and Joe then rammed Seth with the ringside steps. The charged at Balor and knocked him down, too. They walked over rammed into Reigns, too. Booker said Joe is just going along with Bray and wondered if Bray is controlling him. Cole said neither is in control; they’re both working to their mutual benefit. Graves said no one controls Joe. It’s like Booker said something Vince McMahon didn’t like at all, and then the other announcers had to clean it up, and boy did they quickly and decisively.

Back in the ring Bray and Joe worked together against Balor. Seth entered and went to work on Joe and Bray. When he dove at Bray, Bray punched him in the jaw. Bray took a quick shot at Reigns, which popped a part of the crowd, then went back to Seth and DDT’d him into the ringside steps. Joe put Balor in a Coquina Clutch mid-ring. Balor pushed off the top rope rope with his feet and escaped and then hit a quick double stomp. Bray entered and bashed Balor with a chair. When Reigns entered the ring, Bray began bashing Reigns with a chair. Cheers and a small “One one more time” chant. Bray held up the chair and looked at Joe. Joe held up his hand. Bray hit Balor with the chair instead. Joe and Bray worked together again. Joe put the chair on Joe’s chest. Bray landed a Senton Splash, but hit the back of his head on the chair too.

Bray told Joe he had a good idea. He wedged the chair into the corner and they Balor in the corner against it. Then Joe whipped Bray into it, but Balor lifted his boot and caught Bray. Balor then threw a charging Joe head-first into the wedged chair. He ducked a charging Bray. Reigns then hit the Drive By out of nowhere on Bray. Boos. Reigns rolled up Balor and then one-arm slammed him. He yelled. Joe charged, but Reigns gave him a flying clothesline. Reigns clotheslined Bray over and over in the corner as the crowd counted along to nine. Joe charged but Reigns moved and Joe crushed Bray. Reigns then gave Joe a boot to the face. Reigns went after Bray with a hard clothesline. Booker called it “stiff.” Reigns played to the crowd, getting a mixed reaction. Reigns signaled for the spear, but Joe yanked him out of the ring. Reigns pounded on Joe. Bray attacked Reigns from behind. Bray chokeslammed Reigns onto the announce table. A “One more time!” chant rang out. No sign for Seth for a long time here, but he appeared in the ring.

Seth went after Bray inside the ring and he scored a quick two count. Joe charged Seth, but Seth lifted his boot. Seth then gave Bray and Joe a double blockbuster. He covered Bray and scored a near fall. Seth dove through the ropes, but it didn’t look great. The announcers acknowledged it. Bray went after Seth, but Seth shoved him out of the ring. Seth then dove again, and Bray shoved Joe into Seth’s path. Back in the ring Bray clotheslined Seth. Seth was slow to get up. Seth, though, got up and surprised Bray with a Falcon Arrow. Seth leaped off the top rope at Bray, but Bray gave him a Sister Abigail. Joe broke up the pin. He then yelled at Bray for what happened at ringside a few minutes earlier. Bray tried to explain, but shoved Joe when it was clear he had no good answer. Joe threw him across the ring and hit a hard elbow into the corner. He roundkicked him and scored a soft two count.

Bray bent over backwards in the corner. Then he set up Joe for Sister Abigail. Joe countered into the Coquina Clutch. Balor whacked Joe across the back with a chair. Then Bray was next. Then Joe again. He threw the chair onto Bray’s chest and gave him a double stomp. Reigns popped up. Balor kicked him back to the floor, and then gave him a running kick to the jaw. Balor gave Bray a running dropkick at ringside. Graves said Balor is a one-man army. He gave Joe a running dropkick next. Everyone but him was down dn recovering. He looked around for who to go after. He picked Bray and rammed his head into the ringside table over and over rapidly. That table top is flimsy and it hardly looked lethal. Balor put Bray on the table, but Joe came up behind Balor and locked on the Coquina Clutch. Reigns speared both of them through the barricade near the time keepers. That got a “Holy sh—!” chant.

Seth leaped off the top rope and frog splashed Bray. A louder “Holy sh—!” chant broke out. Cole said, “There are bodies strewn everywhere.” The crowd shifted to a “This is awesome” chant. Graves said high stakes, high risk, high reward. They replayed it from several angles. Seth was standing, and Reigns was up next. The other three were down and not moving. Reigns and Seth re-entered the ring. Cole said it almost seems appropriate it would come down to these two. A “Let’s Go Roman / Roman sucks!” battle chant broke out. Seth and Reigns battled. Reigns scored with an uppercut. Seth countered with a forearm and an enzuigiri. Seth sold a sore knee, and then set up a powerbomb. Reigns powered out and gave Seth a Superman Punch for a believable near fall. Roman told Seth he should have stayed down.

Reigns charged at Seth, but Seth rolled him up for a two count. He superkicked him for another two count. Seth climbed to the top rope, still selling a knee injury. He leaped and landed a frog splash, good for a near fall, but Reigns kicked out. It was a long stretch with the other three out at ringside. Seth climbed to the top rope again, but Reigns avoided the Phoenix Splash. Bray re-entered the ring and set up a Sister Abigail. Reigns broke it up. Bray went for it against Reigns. Reigns escaped and speared Bray. Set went after Reigns and kicked him in the face. Seth then gave Reigns a running buckle bomb. Reigns popped out with a Superman Punch. Balor entered the ring and charged, but Reigns gave him a Superman Punch. Cole said he “about collapsed his face.” Boos.

Reigns set up a spear on Balor, but Balor gave him a Sling Blade instead. Then a running dropkick. He then gave him a Coup de Gras. Joe broke it up and put Balor in a Coquina Clutch. Balor began to fade and the ref awarded Joe the win. Cole said, “Look out Brock, Joe is on his way.” Graves said there aren’t many dream matches he hasn’t seen before, but Joe vs. Lesnar is one of them and he’s going to see it at Great Balls of Fire.

WINNER: Samoa Joe in 30:00. (****1/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: Very good match. Looking forward to Joe vs. Brock, and I hope in likely losing he comes out of it a star. We’ll see.)


5 Comments on KELLER’S WWE EXTREME RULES PPV REPORT 6/4: Balor vs. Joe vs. Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Wyatt for Universal Title shot

  1. We saw VINCE kill the Bayley character tonight. How the BLUE HELL Could screw up a no doubt sure fire SUPER OVER BABYFACE Character iN NXT only to come up to the main roster to lose every piece of momentum. I feel sad for Bayley and what HHH had built with her, i mean how can you lose that popular character.

    • Sorry but Bayley is a character for 10 year old girls and hopefully she gets repackaged. I liked Nattie’s old farting gimmick better then I like Bayley’s stupid hug nonsense and that’s not saying much. I was very glad to see Bayley lose tonight and hope she never wins the belt again.

    • They made her champion too early. They’re trying to tear her back down into being an underdog again, so that it means more when she overcomes the odds and finally beats Alexa.

      I reckon we’ll see them doing segments with Bayley getting advice from Kurt Angle, and maybe even some retired legends like Lita or Beth Phoenix, about being true to herself and playing to her strengths, and then she’ll finally overcome Bliss in a regular no-shenanigans match. They might even hold off Bayley’s big win until Summerslam, because at this point in storyline it wouldn’t make sense for Bayley to get another title match immediately- she’s going to have to overcome some other obstacle to get another shot (and Nia Jax will probably become involved).

      The one thing they did get wrong IMO is giving these two such a short time for the match. Bayley being pinned in 5 minutes, even with kendo stick shots involved, makes everyone involved look worse…

  2. Bayley was never ready for the show. they held her down in NXT for exactly that reason. Send her back and repackage her, she has the talent but the gimmick sucks. She was buried. Sasha is even worse, whatever she did and whomever she did it to she better apologize a lot. Just over a year ago, Charlotte and Sasha tearing it up month after month, now Sasha is being eye candy to save 205 [not gonna happen] and Charlotte is basically in pool of pudding matches except it’s broken furniture matches. Women’s wrestling has been killed, I don’t know why. Did they get too uppity and p-off the bookers/Vince?

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