Under Anthem ownership, TNA Impact Wrestling is losing two of its most noteworthy acts. The Hardys and Drew Galloway have revealed they are not renewing their contracts.
Drew Galloway revealed yesterday on Twitter that he is leaving. He wrote: “Thank you Impact Wrestling for these past two years & everything we achieved together. I’ll miss everyone & I’ll see you down that long road.”
Thank you @IMPACTWRESTLING for these past two years & everything we achieved together. I'll miss everyone & I'll see you down that long road
— Drew Galloway (@GallowaySpeaks) February 27, 2017
Today, Bobby Lashley posted a farewell message. “You will be greatly missed brotha! Aside from being an amazing wrestler you were always an incredible person. Our paths will cross again.”
We reported last week that TNA officials had not pursued talks with Drew Galloway even as his contract expired. Based on Galloway’s Twitter comments, it appears those talks either didn’t happen and he gave up or they didn’t go well once they started.
Jason Powell at ProWrestling.net reports that contract talks between TNA Impact Wrestling and Matt and Jeff Hardy have reached an impasse. He reported the following: “The belief is that TNA wanted the Hardys to sign exclusive deals, which they apparently are not interested in doing. It’s logical from the perspective of the Hardys given the strong business they do on the independent scene. Meanwhile, TNA reportedly wanted a cut of the money the brothers were making independently. TNA was late sending contract offers to the Hardys and Drew Galloway, which is astonishing given the importance of those acts to the company.”
Powell also noted that the Hardys own the “Broken Matt” character and that Hardy was interested in a seat at the creative table in TNA. Read his full report HERE.
Pro Wrestling Sheet also reports today that the Hardys are departing also, reporting that they felt disrespected during contract talks. They were willing to sign for one year and had agreed to terms back in December, but there was a lack of communication regarding a few small changes they wanted included in the final draft. When the Hardys asked for creative control, TNA balked. When the Hardys said they had other interested parties, they were told to “go to WWE then” by TNA’s attorney, according to the report. At this point, the Hardys aren’t expected to be at the next tapings to write off their characters.
Matt Hardy posted on Twitter this morning: “It shall be an INTRIGUING week for the professional wrestling industry.”
It shall be an INTRIGUING week for the professional wrestling industry. pic.twitter.com/8pDkzwJu3y
— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) February 27, 2017
The Hardys are TNA Tag Team Champions and have possession of the tag title belts. Matt’s wife, Reby Sky, wrote on Twitter: “I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am??? The disrespect never ends. F— it. Bout to melt these shits down and have me some new gold hoops that say MAXEL. Sigue.”
Keller’s Analysis: If TNA cannot afford to pay Galloway and the Hardys, or have a different direction planned for the company with new priorities, fine. If they just dropped the ball on negotiations, though, or got petty and personal or just sloppy with the process of resigning these top names, it’s a big blow to their next set of tapings. The roster was already thin, lacking buzz-generating young acts, and now they’ve lost arguably two of their three or four biggest known acts. This “new start” for TNA under Anthem ownership is not off to an encouraging start.
Could be BS with the Hardys. I wouldn’t say anything till I signed with the wwe. Keep your cards away from everyone. This makes me feel like there playing hard ball with tna and making them think there leaving. It would be stupid to go to wwe with no leverage.
I disagree, Trevor. While Drew Galloway has “international” appeal, he may come back to the WWE to be a mid-card player once again (remember Alberto Del Rio?). The Hardy’s, however, have arguably the hottest act in professional wrestling. Jeff and Matt are still HUGE fan favorites and they would bring some real excitement to the tag team division, as well as competition for any of the singles belts. The WWE is well aware of their appeal and The Hardy’s would (or should) come out favorably in any negotiations and/or decisions with the WWE. Plus, “Broken Matt” may have already tipped their hand by calling out The Wyatt Family (in general) and Bray Wyatt (in particular). I see this as a “win-win” for the WWE, The Hardy’s and perhaps The Wyatts, who could use some excitement and strong competition in their lives. I can see Broken Matt and Bray Wyatt squaring off on the mic now! Both of them talking cosmic gibberish that only they understand. Bray Wyatt: “Follow the buzzards!” Broken Matt: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Hysterical! I can also see Brother Nero staring down Luke Harper. Hysterical! I am anxious to see what the future brings for The Hardy’s but I would wager that their future lies in the WWE (perhaps as soon as WrestleMania).