MCMAHON’S IMPACT WRESTLING REPORT: Live coverage — Rosemary vs. Jade in six sides of steel for the TNA Knockouts Title


DECEMBER 1, 2016

ANNOUNCERS: Josh Mathews, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero.


— Impact opens with a video package that highlights the DCC’s invasion of Impact as well as Matt Hardy remembering that he is broken.

— Aron Rex makes his ring entrance. In the ring, he takes a mic and tells everyone that he will point out the obvious. Rex said he has established the Grand Championship as the No. 1 title in the industry. Rex said he always gives the people what they want, and in the spirit of competition, he would issue an open challenge to anyone in the back.

After a few seconds, Moose’s music plays and he walks out. Rex said, “Um, no. Hit Grado’s music.” But Moose walks out from the back as Rex screams for the production truck to stop Moose’s music.

(1) ARON REX (c) vs. MOOSE — Grand Championship match under Grand Championship rules

Round 1

The bell rings and Rex goes to the ropes and then rolls to the outside. Rex showboats outside of the ring, doing a cartwheel. Rex rolled back in the ring and the referee urged them to fight. Rex ties up Moose in a side headlock and rakes his eyes. Moose hits a Game Changer clothesline for the win.

WINNER: Moose via pinfall at 1:15 of the first round.

— After the match, Rex looks shocked on the mat as Jeremy Borash enters the ring to announce the decision of Moose winning by pinfall. Moose celebrates with the title.

Rex is sobbing on the mat as Borash interviews Moose.

Moose said that he made a huge impact. Moose said that if anyone wanted to challenge him, he had one word for them … He pumped his fist as the crowd chanted, “Moose! Moose!”

Moose went to the turnbuckles to celebrate his win and left the ring as Borash went to interview Rex.

Rex is crying as Borash asked him his thoughts. Rex said he couldn’t do this right now and walked over to the ropes before leaving the ring and wrapping his face in a towel.

(McMahon’s Analysis: For such an impactful finish, it sort of felt anti-climactic. Even the crowd seemed to be caught off guard by it. The Grand Championship concept had potential, and I was interested to see how it would play out, but it’s just not catching on. In an attempt to mimic MMA, TNA has taken what most people hate about MMA the most — the judges — and implemented that into its presentation.)

— Backstage, Jeff Hardy is arriving and he has asked if Matt is here yet? Jeff said he hasn’t spoken to Matt, but he knows that Matt will be here tonight. Jeff said he knows that they will defend the World Tag Team Titles tonight. [c]

— Back from the break, there is a wide shot of the Impact Zone shown as The DCC’s music plays and the trio walks to the ring.

The DCC, wearing the masks, is cutting an in-ring promo, but despite James Storm holding the microphone in the ring, the audio is jumbled, similar to the hacker group, Anonymous. Storm said they are not there to delete anyone or make anyone obsolete. But, when people like the Hardys stand in their way, they will be erased.

Jeff Hardy’s music plays and he walks out to the stage wearing both TNA World Tag Team Titles. Hardy actually looks a little worried as he enters the arena without Matt Hardy. Josh Mathews said that he’s not sure how Jeff is walking after last week, and goes ahead to call Jeff “not a human.”

The DCC members are goading Jeff into the ring. Jeff enters and grabs a mic. He said that the Hardy Boys are the Tag Team Champions, and the DCC will get their title match tonight. Hardy said he and Matt survived The Great War. Jeff said that he and Matt got stronger after the Final Deletion. Jeff said that the DCC’s fate is worse than being obsolete.

Kingston took off his mask and grabbed Jeff’s mic. He said that was cute, but asked where Matt was? Jeff throws a quick punch at Kingston and hit a twist of fate before Bram and Storm jump Hardy and double team. Storm hits Hardy in the back of the head with the TNA Tag Team Titles.

Kingston rolled to the outside as Bram and Storm beat on Hardy. Suddenly, the DCC music begins to play again and the arena goes dark. When the lights come back up, Broken Matt is standing in the ring. He hits a Side Effect on Bram and clotheslines Storm over the top rope.

Matt said that the Tag Team Titles of the World belong to his broken brilliance and Brother Nero. Matt said his memories have been restored and they are more vivd than ever.

“DCC, tonight you get the fight that you so desire for the Tag Team Titles of the World against us,” Matt said. “And I change what the acronym DCC stands for. As of now, it stands for Deletion Coming Cowards, as we delete! Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete!”

— In an interview package, Mandrews, Braxton Sutter and D.J. Z talk about what it’s like fighting for the X Division Title while also being part of Team Go For Broken. Sutter said he knows what D.J. Z has going on from an injury standpoint, but it’s not his style to exploit that. Mandrews said D.J. Z has been champion and he’s a great leader, but it’s his time for the belt. Sutter said that he knows if he wins the title, his brothers will understand. D.J. Z said they are a team no matter what. [c]

— Back from the break, highlights of Moose winning the Grand Championship from earlier tonight are shown.

(2) D.J. Z (c) vs. BRAXTON SUTTER vs. MANDREWS — triple threat match for the X Division Championship

The three men circle to begin the match. Mandrews goes for a quick cover. All three men trade quick pin attempts.

Mandrews and Sutter are in the ring alone as D.J. Z was tossed out of the ring. Mandrews hits a dropkick as D.J. Z rolls back in. Mandrews hits a standing moonsault on D.J. Z for a two count and D.J. Z again rolled out of the ring.

Sutter hits a powerslam on Mandrews. D.J. Z drives a shoulder into Sutter as he hit the ropes. Mandrews knocked D.J. Z off the rope to the outside. Mandrews moonsaults off the steps onto D.J. Z and Sutter.

Mandrews grabs his skateboard and goes to the top of the ramp, skateboarding down the ramp but he gets caught with an elbow by D.J. Z.

D.J. Z rolls Sutter into the ring and goes to dive into the ring but he clutches his knee. Sutter and Mandrews notice that D.J. Z is hurt and they pause. Sutter goes to check on D.J. Z but Mandrews rolls him up from behind for a two count.

Sutter and Mandrews now trade stiff forearms. Sutter goes to the floor, where D.J. Z already is, as Mandrews pulled down the top rope. Mandrews back in the ring, he hits a dropkick on D.J. Z as he climbed to the top turnbuckle. Mandrews tried to hit a hurricanrana on D.J. Z but Sutter grabbed D.J. Z’s foot. D.J. Z hits a double crossbody on Sutter and Mandrews.

Mandrews and Sutter come back but D.J. Z reverses it into a double takedown. Sutter hits a boot to D.J. Z as he went for a ZZT and Sutter then hit a Flatliner. Mandrews takes out Sutter and goes to the top, hitting a shooting star press on Sutter. D.J. Z then runs in to roll up Mandrews for the win.

WINNER: D.J. Z in about 6:00 to retain the X Division Title.

— After the match, D.J. Z celebrates. Sutter congratulates D.J. Mandrews looks angry near the ropes as Sutter tells him to come over. Mandrews and Sutter raise D.J. Z’s arms but Mandrews kicks out D.J. Z’s hurt knee. Sutter yells, “what are you doing?!” at Mandrews. Mandrews then walks out of the ring, telling Sutter that D.J. Z is always trying to steal the spotlight.

(McMahon’s Analysis: Great, so they’re breaking up the six-man team that no one really cared about anyway. The whole Team X Gold thing was never really explained outside of “it was D.J. Z’s idea.” It really didn’t serve much of a purpose. That aside, the turn with Mandrews was well done. It’s a really simple story of a guy getting jealous that his friend is better. The only thing that fell short was that this was the first time Mandrews challenged D.J. Z since they have been teaming. It would have made a little more sense if this was at least his second crack at the title, if not the third. I could believe more then that the frustration built with Mandrews and he finally just snapped on his friend. But this played out well.

— Backstage, Laurel Van Ness tells Allie that she’ll have to cheer up Sutter tonight. Van Ness said that she knows Allie tried to hit her with a pie. She tells Allie that after tonight, she won’t have a job. [c]

— Back from the break, Maria walks to the ring with Laurel Van Ness without making her usual introduction. Maria said that some people don’t appreciate that she is a role model, and she yelled for Allie to come to the ring.

Allie smiles as she gets in the ring and the people are cheering for her. Maria screamed that no one loves Allie.

Allie tells Maria that she’s sorry she hit Maria with a pie last week. Maria said she knows that she was trying to hit Laurel because Allie is jealous of her relationship with Braxton Sutter.

Maria again asked why Allie lied at Bound for Glory about Maria’s hand? Allie yelled back that honesty is the best policy. Laurel wanted to ask Allie how she felt knowing that she went on a hot date with her last night.

Laurel whispered something that Braxton said to her last night and Allie snapped that Braxton would never say that!

Maria said Allie is a loser who doesn’t know how to fight or do anything right. Maria called Allie a stupid bitch and Allie reached back and slapped Maria in the face. The crowd really came alive as Maria said that was a mistake and Laurel blindsided Allie. Maria’s music plays and she leaves the ring with Laurel.

(McMahon’s Analysis: Finally! Allie finally got a shot on Maria. The crowd ate it up, starting a “Yes!” chant after the slap. TNA has been very patient building to Allie finally having the confidence to fight back, and the crowd was ready for it here. Good segment.

— Back from the break, Rosemary is in a pre-taped video. She said Decay is nature’s cockroach, which can’t be destroyed. Rosemary said that tonight, with all the world watching, they will end Jade’s career and Gail’s crusade for a chosen one.


— The DCC makes their ring entrance for the Tag Team Championship match, followed by Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy.

(3) BROKEN MATT HARDY & BROTHER NERO (c) vs. THE DCC (Bram & Kingston) (w/James Storm) — Tag Team Championship match

Matt and Bram begin the match after some brawling. Jeff and Matt hit a double suplex on Bram and then one on Kingston. The referee separates Jeff and Kingston to their corners to make this a traditional tag team match.

Jeff tags in and hits a dropkick on Bram for a one count. Matt tagged in and hit an elbow for a two count.

Matt and Jeff whip Kingston into the corner and then whip Bram on top of Kingston. Matt and Jeff are in control as the show crashes to a break.

— Back from the commercial break, Kingston has Matt held as Bram tags in and takes a shot at Matt’s gut. Bram covers Matt for a two count.

Matt is able to tag in Jeff who gets the upper hand on Bram. Hardy kicks Bram as he charges. Jeff goes up to the top but James Storm throws him off back int othe ring. Bram and Kingston double-team Jeff as Matt tries to intervene but it stopped by the official. Kingston now in the ring, he grabs Jeff in a chinlock.

Bram is now in for the DCC. He has Jeff in a chinlock. Jeff tries to get out with some elbows but gets hits head taken off with a clothesline from Bram for a two count.

Kingston tags back in charges Jeff for a two count. Kingston chokes Jeff until the official makes him break the hold. Bram tags back in and hammers Hardy on the back. Bram kicks Jeff in the gut for a two count.

Matt is screaming for Jeff to make Bram obsolete from the outside. Jeff fights free and tries for a Twist of Fate but Bram ducked it. Jeff and Bram are both down after a double clothesline. Jeff and Bram both make tags. Matt comes in and charges at Kingston. Matt bites Kingston’s hand and then bites Bram’s hand.

Matt goes for a Twist of Fate on Bram but Kingston catches him with a forearm. Jeff dives on Bram and Storm on the outside. Kingston makes a cover on Matt but only gets a two count.

Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Kingston and then Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Kingston. Matt covers Kingston for the win.

WINNER: The Hardys retain the titles via pin in about 16:00.

— After the match, Matt and Jeff celebrate in the ring as Storm looks on.

(McMahon’s Analysis: Good match, though it was a little surprising to see the clean win for the Hardys rather than some sort of angle to setup a return match, especially after the build the DCC had coming in with the vignettes leading up to their debut.

— A video package is shown where Gail relinquished the Knockouts Title because of injury and passed the torch to Jade, only to be interrupted by Decay.

— Highlights of ECIII beating Eli Drake last week were shown. Now Eli Drake can’t speak for the rest of 2016.

— Backstage: ECIII walks up on Drake and said hello, and then cut off Drake before he can talk. ECIII said last week, Drake proved himself. ECIII said that next week he has a title shot, and when he wins it, all Drake needs to do is say the word and he’ll have a title shot of his own. He egged on Drake to “say the word” knowing he’s not allowed to speak.

— Backstage, Al Snow and Mahabali Shera are not happy with The Tribunal. Snow said The Tribunal owe him everything. Snow said he got them into TNA, and now he’s going to take them out of TNA. Snow challenged The Tribunal to a tag-team strap match. Shera added, “we are coming” to the promo.

— ECIII comes to the ring. Mathews said that Drake faces a $25,000 fine if he speaks.

ECIII said he suffered the biggest defeat of his career at Bound for Glory, but here he is, again the No. 1 contender. ECIII said he had some words for Eddie Edwards, so he invited Edwards to the ring.

Edwards walks to the ring and ECIII told him that he took a dagger and stabbed the beast (Lashley) in the heart. ECIII said that being champion is changing peoples’ perception of Edwards, but Edwards said he hasn’t changed. Edwards said he’s still the guy who parties with ECIII after shows and he’s still the guy who leaves everything in the ring all the time.

ECIII said that friendship aside, they are competitors. ECIII said he failed to win the World Title twice this year, and he won’t fail a third time. Edwards told ECIII to bring that fight. Edwards said that Bound for Glory wasn’t ECIII’s night, and now he holds the title. Edwards said it would take someone truly special to take the title from him.

ECIII said that Edwards is missing the point. ECIII said when he’s in the ring, his family and friends do not matter, only the TNA World Hvt. Championship matters. ECIII told Edwards to hear him clearly, and there was a difference between winning the championship and maintaining that title. ECIII said he mentioned that Edwards had a dagger, but ECIII has one of his own and he’s not afraid to stab a friend in the back to get what he wants.

ECIII left Edwards with, “Kill them all, and let God sort it out … that is a champion’s mentality.”

ECIII left the ring and Edwards held the TNA World Title high.

(McMahon’s Analysis: After he first won the title, I thought that Edwards’ promos were a little clunky. He seemed nervous and not really genuine — similar to Lashley earlier in his career — but he has come a considerable distance even in only a few weeks. He seemed a lot more natural here and a lot more comfortable with the dialogue. ECIII and Edwards both kept the focus on the title, which is where it should be.

— Backstage, Jade is making her final preparation for tonight’s match with Rosemary, who is then shown crawling down steps from the rafters.

— Gail Kim makes her ring entrance with the TNA Knockouts Title. Mathews said that there was a rumor that Gail is close to retirement and he asked Madison Rayne her thoughts, and Madison said that Gail told her should would continue to wrestler until she couldn’t physically do it anymore.

(4) JADE vs. ROSEMARY — six sides of steel match for the vacant TNA Knockouts Title

Rosemary jumped Jade before the bell at the start of the match. Jade and Rosemary brawl out the door and they’re on the outside. The officials try to get them to go back inside the ring as Madison wonders what this means because the bell has already sounded.

Rosemary throws a trashcan in the ring. Jade and Rosemary are in the ring and the door is locked. Jade hits a series of kicks on Rosemary for a two count.

Jade lands a kick to Rosemary and then a gut-wrench suplex for a two count as the show crashes to a break.

— Back from the break, Jade hits a flying head scissor. Rosemary faked spraying mist and then is able to control Jade with punches.

Rosemary hits a clothesline on Jade to gain control again. Gail is shown cheering on Jade from ringside. Rosemary lands a chop and then a flying clothesline on Jade.

Rosemary raked Jade’s face along the cage and then choked her with a boot. Jade lands a kick and Rosemary screams, coming back with a forearm to the back. Mathews said that they discussed in the break how the cage was an advantage for Rosemary.

Jade lands another series of kicks before Rosemary catches her and throws her into the cage. Rosemary grabs the trashcan and sits it up on Jade in the corner. Rosemary goes to the other corner for a coast-to-coast but Jade gets up and throws the trashcan at Rosemary. Jade climbs and hits a top-rope hurricanrana on Rosemary.

Jade goes around the ring, throwing Rosemary into the cage. She picks up Rosemary with a choke and again throws Rosemary into the cage for a two count.

Rosemary connects with a german suplex. Gail Kim is again shown cheering on Jade. Rosemary climbs the cage and Jade chases her. Jade bounces Rosemary’s face off the cage and sends Rosemary flying to the mat.

Jade climbed to the top of the cage and hit a crossbody off the top. Jade crawls over to Rosemary for a cover and Rosemary kicked out of two.

Jade rolls Rosemary over and climbed to the top rope but Rosemary gets up and spits mist before hitting the Red Wedding for the win.

WINNER: Rosemary in about 15:00 to become the new TNA Knockouts champion.

(McMahon’s Analysis: The match was really slow at the start and had trouble keeping attention, but it picked up at the end and the finish was good. The crossbody off the top was impressive and scary at the same time. Comparatively speaking, I felt that this match was better than the Hell in a Cell match between Charlotte and Sasha Banks, but not as good as their rematch on Raw this past Monday.

Gail looks upset at ringside as Rosemary has her hand raised. Rosemary raises the belt and licks it, as she stares through the cage at Gail Kim. Gail and Roesmary jaw back and forth before Rosemary climbs the cage to celebrate as the show goes off the air.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Good show, building to next week’s title match while also delivering a finish in the Jade-Rosemary match this week as well as the Hardys-DCC match. There weren’t a lot of shenanigans on this show, just good wrestling with clean finishes and two title changes.

The Grand Championship change to Moose was so early in the show, it was almost forgettable by the time the night ended, but a lot happened in this episode.


1 Comment on MCMAHON’S IMPACT WRESTLING REPORT: Live coverage — Rosemary vs. Jade in six sides of steel for the TNA Knockouts Title

  1. I thought this show was pretty entertaining. The DCC seems to be falling a little flat, maybe they need something else to do? Or maybe they are too much like the Aces and Eights? Rosemary winning the title was great. I really enjoyed the match. Far better than anything WWE is putting on tv in my opinion.

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