NEW ITEMS: ESPN plans XFL documentary, Kevin Nash talks about U.S. Presidential election results, Elgin plans special two week training camp

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


-Michael Elgin issued the following release to regarding a special two week training camp he’s running next month: “I will be holding a camp Dec. 5 to Dec. 9 at my school in St. Louis. The camp will run from 10a.m.-4p.m. each day and the cost of this camp will only be $225. I am giving it 2 weeks to get 10 attendees minimum with the max being 24. I have been in close contact with ROH. They have had me take part in their seminars at their school in Bristol as well as holding an ROH camp at my school in St. Louis with Delirious. They have believed in my training and held many of my students in high regard as well as my opinion on many talents to come through the doors in 2016. I’m proud to announce that my student Curt Stallion has been selected for the 2017 top prospect tournament and with ROH being high on the students I have been producing, they have asked I film matches and send info on any students I feel would be excel in the ROH environment. So, if it’s difficult to make it out to Bristol, here is your chance to make it out to St. Louis for a huge learning opportunity and the chance to be seen by ROH. I have also been in contact with some local promotions and the heads of these promotions will be stopping by to also evaluate talent for their future shows. Dates: Dec 5-Dec 9, 10 a.m.-4p.m. each day. Location: 3500 Lemp Ave unit 11 St. Louis. Price: $225. Contact – Ten students required by Nov. 24 to confirm the camp for this time period due to it only being four weeks out.”

-Kevin Nash posted a reaction to the U.S. Presidential election on Instagram. On the Sept. 15 episode of the PWTorch Livecast, Nash said he was mostly supportive of the Gary Johnson/William Weld ticket, but if he felt Donald Donald Trump had a chance to win Florida, he’d vote for Hilary Clinton. On Instagram, he wrote this week: “I wasn’t feeling Trump. It’s one vote, f— you if it’s not your choice. I’m a f—ing American [who] served my country in the United States Army. Assholes say [they’re] tired of people with celebrity voicing their opinion. Guess what? My vote counts as one, just like you. Social media doesn’t matter to me. Act like a stupid bigot, you’re blocked. I don’t need nor want your approval.” He said in the post that he has voted Democrat in every election except his first presidential vote was for Ronald Reagan. “I don’t flip or flop. I vote for my party unless a beacon of sensibility comes along.” He did take some heat for wearing a “Trump” shirt in May which he said was just to see what kind of response he’d get walking around town and as a way to say Hilary was in trouble if she had to face Trump one-on-one. “I even cut the sleves of to fit the demographic,” he said.

-ESPN announced today that they will air a “30 for 30” documentary three days before the Super Bowl next February based on the XFL. It’s titled: “This Was the XFL.” It will focus in part on the relationship and creative dynamic that Vince McMahon and Dick Ebersol have had together dating back to the creation of WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event in the mid-1980s, the return of pro wrestling to broadcast national television on NBC.

NOW CHECK OUT THIS PREVIOUS NEWS UPDATE: Austin explains his expectations in the ring for Lesnar-Goldberg, how their first match factors in, and seeing the shape Goldberg is in (w/Keller’s Analysis)


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