WWE Raw TV Report
September 19, 2016 – Episode #1,217
Live in Memphis, Tenn.
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
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Raw Line-up
- Week 9 of the Brand Split – Raw run by Stephanie McMahon & Mick Foley
- U.S. champion Rusev vs. Seth Rollins in a non-title match
- Sheamus (3-2) vs. Cesaro in Match #6 of Best-of-Seven Series
- Raw Women’s champion Charlotte & Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley
Raw opened with The Shield’s music to produce Roman Reigns to a loud mixed reaction of boos and cheers. Reigns marched out on-stage dressed in non-wrestling gear of a black tanktop and black pants. No vest. Reigns paced the ring appearing to be upset over events from last week’s Raw when Seth Rollins and Rusev cost him a spot in the Universal Title match at Clash of Champions.
Once Reigns’s music stopped, loud boos were heard. Reigns continued pacing the ring before speaking. He started to talk, but Stephanie McMahon’s music interrupted. Stephanie walked out on-stage and cut off her music to talk down Reigns. Steph said she and Mick Foley have a show to run. Suddenly, Mick Foley’s music interrupted.
Foley walked down to the ring with a purpose as Stephanie walked into the ring ahead of Foley. Loud “Foley, Foley” chant from the Memphis fans. Steph joined in, annoying Foley, who wanted to get down to business. Foley said he let the show get away from him last Monday. So, tonight, he is taking Seth Rollins and Rusev and putting them against each other.
Reigns wanted to know what that does for him. The crowd booed as Reigns complained about Stephanie’s coward husband, Triple H, and Rusev. Foley told Reigns to wait six days because he will get a U.S. Title shot against Rusev at Clash of Champions. Steph said she personally guarantees it. Reigns sarcastically said that’s so reassuring. That delivery stopped the segment’s flow, then Foley defended Stephanie claiming to have no knowledge of Hunter’s involvement three weeks ago.
Foley turned this into a brand battle deal of Raw against Smackdown. Foley said when the smoke clears, Stephanie will land on her feet because she’s a McMahon. But, he will find himself on the couch. Foley said he can’t lose the ratings war. Steph said she is so proud to have Foley as her GM, so what are you going to do about it? Foley booked Reigns in a re-match against Kevin Owens tonight.
Suddenly, Kevin Owens’s music played to a big reaction. From the stage, Owens called this a big joke from Foley preparing for his stand-up run after getting canned by Stephanie. He said he has to prepare for his Universal Title defense in six days. So, come on Stephanie, what do you say? Stephanie reluctantly said she is backing Foley and the match will take place tonight. But, it’s non-title.
Foley added one more element that Owens vs. Reigns will be inside a steel cage tonight. The crowd broke into a loud “Yes!” chant. Suddenly, Seth Rollins’s music played. Rollins marched out on-stage and stared down Owens, then walked down to the ring with a cocky smile on his face. Rollins posed in the ring before the opening match against U.S. champion Rusev. It’s next.
THE NEWS: Reigns vs. Rusev for the U.S. Title at Clash of Champions, Reigns vs. Owens non-title tonight in a steel cage, and Rollins vs. Rusev tonight. ]
[ Reax: The sudden right-turn to Mick Foley being concerned about job security in the make-believe ratings battle with Smackdown really hurt the story they were trying to tell focused on the wrestlers. Now it’s about the secondary authority figure hot-shot booking to save his job. ]
[Commercial Break at 8:13]
[Q2] Backstage, Stephanie yelled at Foley for hot-shot booking a cage match tonight six days before the first Raw-brand PPV. Rusev then walked into the shot yelling at Foley for putting him in a match against Reigns at Clash of Champions. Rusev called it a conspiracy against his family and Lana, who has a new movie out tomorrow with Edge. Lana held up the DVD in the background. Foley told Rusev to stop complaining and go face Rollins. Rusev stomped off, then Foley pulled out his phone, which silently rang in his pocket. It magically answered itself and Chris Jericho was on the other line.
In-ring: Rusev made his way to the ring as Seth Rollins bounced around trying to keep warm after waiting five minutes.
1 — U.S. champion RUSEV (w/Lana) vs. SETH ROLLINS — non-title match
Rusev angrily dominated Rollins early on. It was jarring seeing Rollins dominated in the default face role, which led to an early break.
[Commercial Break at 8:24]
Rollins and Rusev went back and forth out of the break. Rollins nailed a Falcon Arrow for a close two count. Rusev responded with a kick to the shoulder for a close two count of his own.
[Q3] Rollins climbed to the top rope looking for a dive, but Rusev rolled to the floor. So, Rollins adjusted and nailed a suicide dive to the outside. Rollins nailed it a second time on the other side of the ring. Rusev tried crawling away, but Rollins followed up. Meanwhile, the ref counted in the background. The ref hit a 10-count for a double count-out.
Post-match, Rusev dragged Rollins across the stage to the Raw announce desk. Rusev tried to powerbomb Rollins off the stage, but Seth slipped out and kneed Rusev down to the floor. Rollins then jumped onto the Raw announce table and dove onto Rusev. Rollins got up clutching his ribs and stood tall on the stage as his music played.
WINNER: Double count-out at 11:50. WWE continues to position Seth as a default face opposite clear heels, but it just doesn’t feel right. It’s a slight pivot for Seth and it feels like WWE could just pivot Seth back to a heel anytime they want since he hasn’t come out and made any admissions about his heelish behavior or given the audience any reason to believe he’s worth cheering now.
Backstage: Dana Brooke and Charlotte talked to Mick Foley about Sasha Banks and Bayley double-pinning each other last Monday. Charlotte tried to argue that there is no #1 contender. Dana also argued that Foley should cancel their tag match tonight. Foley said he has a different idea – a triple threat match at Clash of Champions between Charlotte, Sasha, and Bayley. Thanks, Dana. Charlotte seethed, then shoved Dana down to the ground. Tease #86 of their eventual break-up.
[Commercial Break at 8:35]
Video Package: Michael Cole introduced a video feature on Cruiserweights debuting tonight – Brian Kendrick and Cedric Alexander. They have their own version of the Raw logo in purple. It stayed on the screen for a lengthy time.
WWE cut backstage to Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens complaining about Mick Foley. They called him useless and rotten. Jericho yanked a clipboard away from a dude off-stage and vowed to make a list of everything that Foley has done wrong as GM. And when he shows him the list, he won’t like … “it.”
In-ring: Braun Strowman roared to the ring. Already in the ring was Sin Cara.
Strowman looked down at Sin Cara once the bell sounded. Strowman punished Sin Cara, who tried to come back with a springboard moonsault, but Strowman caught Cara in mid-air. Strowman followed with a running powerslam for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Strowman at 1:50.
Backstage: Sasha Banks was shown stretching. Bayley walked in acting super-excited about being in the same ring on Sunday. Bayley said it will be like old times. Sasha, slightly annoyed, said old times were left behind at NXT, and this is different, girl. Bayley played peacemaker saying they beat each other last week, and one of them will be new Raw Women’s champion at Clash of Champions. But, tonight, let’s show them how it’s done. You got it, sister.
[Q4] [Commercial Break at 8:46]
In-ring: Sasha Banks’s music played to bring out The Boss for tag team action. Bayley’s music played next to bring out Bayley to a big reaction. Bayley was playful with Sasha, who wanted to be serious. Charlotte and Dana Brooke then came out to face the duo.
Sasha was wrestling with taped ribs to sell her injured back. Early on, Charlotte accidentally collided with Dana on the ring apron. That’s not going to end well. Bayley then dumped Dana out of the ring as Charlotte held her jaw selling pain. Raw cut to break with Bayley about to lock up with Charlotte.
[Commercial Break at 8:56]
Back from break, Charlotte was in control of the match against Bayley. Charlotte continued to wear her down, but then she got over-confident, giving Bayley an opening to make her comeback.
[Q5 — second hour] Tag to Sasha and a tag to Dana, who promptly cut off Sasha to try to prove her merit to the champ. Dana and Charlotte then isolated Sasha in their corner, targeting the back injury.
Tag to Bayley, who dropped Charlotte with a spinning elbow from the top rope. She tried the Bayley-to-Belly on Charlotte, but Dana grabbed her foot from behind. Bayley kicked free, then Sasha pounded Dana on the floor. Back in the ring, Bayley turned around to take a kick to the head. Charlotte pinned Bayley for the win.
Post-match, Sasha sold frustration with the situation as Bayley recovered from getting kicked in the face. On the floor, Charlotte and Dana bragged about getting the win.
WINNERS: Charlotte & Dana at 11:11. So, they have Bayley get pinned two weeks in a row? Do they not want to make stars on Raw anymore? It would be one thing if Raw was on fire and they could afford to have Bayley go through a vulnerability period trying to build sympathy while trying to get heat on the heels, but the crowd wants to get behind Bayley on a Superstar level. And WWE is giving the audience reasons not to.
Backstage: Seth Rollins walked into Stephanie McMahon’s office with a smile on his face.
Smackdown announcement: John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose and The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title tomorrow night.
[Commercial Break at 9:08]
Ringside: Vince Carter led a contingent of Memphis Grizzlies players down at ringside taking in Raw.
Backstage: Rollins was in Stephanie’s office still acting paranoid about the fatal four-way from Raw three weeks ago. Why did you back Kevin Owens? Steph said for the last time she had nothing to do with it. She said if she had to guess, it’s because Triple H got tired of Seth ruining his reputation after he hand-picked Rollins and he has failed time and time lately. Seth told Steph to send a message that they bet on the wrong horse. He vowed to be Steph’s worst nightmare and be a Universal champion who they cannot control. Seth told Steph that she cannot manipulate him. “Don’t you threaten me, Seth,” Stephanie said. She said Owens is the right person to be champion and the right person to lead Raw against Smackdown. And, he has replaced Seth as The Man. Rollins said Steph used to be a shrewd businesswoman, but now she’s starting to crack. He said it started with the return of her brother, Shane. Seth let that linger as he walked off.
In-ring: Bo Dallas was introduced to the ring for singles action. Dallas, holding a political sign, paraded around ringside as designed loser Gary Graham was standing by in the ring. Bo spoke dramatically that all of their bridges need to burn. Dallas continued to recite a poem that he has come to know that only he can believe in Bo.
The crowd broke into a loud “Let’s Go Jobber” chant, which Cole acknowledged as the crowd rallying behind Dallas’s opponent. The chant incensed Dallas, who pounded Graham into a quick victory.
WINNER: Dallas at 1:16.
Backstage: Cesaro was shown walking down the hallway ahead of Match #6 in his series against Sheamus.
[Commercial Break at 9:18]
Back from break, WWE highlighted the steel cage hanging above the ring. Cole fed to another video package on the Cruiserweight tournament before the division debuts tonight on Raw.
Cruiserweight video: T.J. Perkins was shown defeating Gran Metalik in the finals of the tournament this past Wednesday. Cole bragged about the Cruiserweights on Raw, not Smackdown, and they arrive later tonight.
In-ring: Cesaro was introduced for the next match in the Best-of-Seven Series. Sheamus was out next looking to close out Cesaro for the third time after going up 3-0. In a pre-match promo earlier today, Sheamus vowed to end the series tonight.
5 — SHEAMUS (3-2) vs. CESARO — Match #6 in Best-of-Seven Series
Cesaro scored an early nearfall, then teased the Big Swing, but Sheamus grabbed the bottom rope for a break. Cesaro then charged Sheamus, who used his long legs to lift Cesaro up and over the top rope to the floor. Mick Foley watched intently on a backstage monitor as Raw cut to break.
[Q7] [Commercial Break at 9:29]
Back from break, Cesaro dropkicked Sheamus off the top turnbuckle down to the floor. Sheamus recovered against the guardrail, then Cesaro nailed a running uppercut sending Sheamus flying into the laps of the Grizzlies players. Vince Carter got the heck out of the way as Sheamus fell to the floor.
On their way back into the ring, Sheamus caught Cesaro on the ring apron and delivered White Noise across the edge of the ring, targeting the injured back. Sheamus quickly covered, but Cesaro kicked out just in time. Sheamus then tried the Brogue Kick, but Cesaro avoided. But, he did not avoid the Irish Curse. Two count for Sheamus.
Sheamus tried to end Cesaro with the Celtic Cross, turning it into a backbreaker, but Cesaro kicked out just before three. The pace continued in rapid-fire fashion with Sheamus quickly going for the Texas Cloverlead, but Cesaro fought the hold and rolled through into a small package for a two count.
Uppercut from Cesaro. Sheamus suddenly rolled up Cesaro and put his feet on the ropes looking for extra leverage, but the ref stopped his count when he caught Sheamus cheating. Sheamus complained, then nearly got pinned. Cesaro then lifted Sheamus into the air to deliver a half-Neutralizer selling the back. It was good enough for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Cesaro at 9:38 to even the series at 3-3. Really strong finishing sequence going back-and-forth selling desperation to win. You can see how this is going to end, though, after Cesaro made the big comeback in the series.
Backstage: Mick Foley was on the phone with someone booking Match #7 for this Sunday at Clash of Champions.
In walked Chris Jericho to complain to Foley about his job as Raw GM. Jericho read his itemized list about what he doesn’t like about Foley. Foley shouted back that he can’t hear him because he’s yelling in his missing ear. Jericho shouted a fashion complaint in Foley’s good ear, prompting hearty laughter from Foley, who said Jericho is a grown man wearing a scarf with no shirt. Jericho vowed to read the List of Jericho to the live crowd later tonight.
[Commercial Break at 9:40]
Back live, Chris Jericho’s music was playing. Jericho sneered toward the crowd as he paced the ring holding a clipboard with the List of Jericho. As the NFL game neared Halftime, Jericho complained about Mick Foley screwing up Raw.
[Q8] Jericho began reading his list…
(1) Foley is trying to drive a wedge between Jericho and Foley.
(5) Terrible fashion sense.
(12) Foley has developed an affection for that leper Sami Zayn.
Suddenly, Enzo Amore’s music played to bring out Enzo and Big Cass interrupting a reading from The List. Enzo did the walk-and-talk intro to a loud reaction. Enzo then hit the ring to address Jericho. Big Cass had his own list of best friends. (How you doin’?) Jericho told Cass to shut up.
Suddenly, the Shining Stars’s music played to bring out Primo and Epico looking to unload some more timeshares. Epico pitched relaxation and peace of mind in Puerto Rico. Suddenly, New Day’s music played to bring out the Raw tag champions.
Jericho shouted at the tag champs wondering what these losers are doing out here. Big E. quipped that they had nothing better to do. Xavier Woods followed Big E.’s lead plugging his YouTube channel. Woods vowed to remain WWE tag champions this Sunday when they defend against The Club.
And, this of course brought out Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows complaining about New Day. Karl said this is why they are taking the Tag Titles this Sunday. He said New Day is wasting time, the Stars are talking about real estate scams, and New Day has a stupid cereal.
Jericho cut this off from ringside. Jericho said he is starting a new list of stupid idiots and all of them are on it. Suddenly, Sami Zayn’s music played as Jericho wrote on his clipboard. Zayn charged Jericho on the ring entrance and beat him up. Zayn then tossed Jericho into the ring and a giant brawl broke out. Raw cut to break with a mini-battle royal breaking out.
[Commercial Break at 9:53]
Mick Foley booked this 10-man tag during the break, forcing Jericho to wrestle in his street clothes and team with guys he just added to his “stupid idiots” list. The match built to a hot tag to Cass, who cleaned house with signature offense. Chaos then broke out with men in and out of the ring.
[Q10 — third hour] Zayn and Jericho were in the spotlight, but Jericho ran away from Zayn. Their fight moved to the floor, so Enzo took over in the ring. This allowed Enzo and Cass to hit the Rocket Launcher on Primo for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: Team Enzo at 5:27. Basic deal setting up a handful of matches at the Clash PPV on Sunday.
Still to come: Roman Reigns vs. Universal champion Kevin Owens in a steel cage match.
Up Next: The Cruiserweight division arrives. Cole fed to a video package on Gran Metalik and Rich Swann debuting tonight.
[Commercial Break at 10:06]
Back from break, Cole fed to a video package on Eddie Guerrero to celebrate Hispanic Heritage match. They included clips of Eddie and Chyna, then highlighted one of the Smackdown brand’s all-time great moments when Eddie Guerrero beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at No Way Out 2004.
Back in the arena, Mick Foley was standing by in the ring. Foley did a Take Two on quoting Mark Twain, then claimed WWE crowned the first-ever Cruiserweight champion last Wednesday on WWE Network. Foley WWE-ized the tournament talking about the Cruiserweights bringing “entertainment” to Raw.
[Q11] Foley then produced a list to introduce the Cruiserweight competitors. Out came Rich Swann doing his full dance intro as Cole relayed his “inspirational story” of wrestling saving his life. Gran Metalik was out next. WWE cut to an inset promo from Metalik before the show introducing himself.
Cedric Alexander was out third as Cole noted he lost more than 20 pounds for the tournament and was signed to WWE after a stellar match against Kota Ibushi. Foley then welcomed back to Raw … The Brian Kendrick. Kendrick marched down to the ring as WWE cut to an inset promo from Kendrick on his redemption.
With all four men in the ring, Foley announced that T.J. Perkins is going to defend the Cruiserweight Title at Clash of Champions against the winner of this fatal four-way. And that match is next. Foley’s music played leading to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:21]
7 — GRAN METALIK vs. RICH SWANN vs. CEDRIC ALEXANDER vs. BRIAN KENDRICK — fatal four-way #1 contender match to the Cruiserweight Title
“You won’t see this on Smackdown Live,” Cole declared as Raw returned from break. Kendrick decided to bail from the ring and let the other three go at it. Metalik picked up where he left off on Wednesday wowing the crowd with his incredible rapid-fire offensive attack.
The match continued with Alexander vs. Swann while Metalik and Kendrick sold on the floor. A big chop battle broke out in the ring, which woke up the crowd as Raw hit the middle of the third hour.
[Q11] Alexander cleared Swann to the outside, then flew over the top rope onto Kendrick down on the floor. Metalik was left standing in the ring to deliver a flying flip dive wiping out everyone on the outside. Big reaction for Metalik’s flying attack. Back in the ring, Kendrick took control. They cut to break with Kendrick trying to get a win using veteran tactics.
[Commercial Break at 10:33]
Back from break, Metalik flew onto Kendrick with a springboard diving elbow. Metalik followed with a spinning dropkick to Swann into a standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Metalik tried to follow with a top-rope moonsault, but Swann got his knees up to block. Swann followed with a butterfly suplex with a pin, but Alexander broke it up.
Reset at 12:00 with Kendrick nowhere to be found. Alexander then smashed Swann in the face with a springboard roundhouse kick for a close two count. Kendrick slowly rolled back into the ring, only to get smashed in the face. Kendrick then dropped Metalik with a DDT for a close two count.
Suddenly, Swann kicked Alexander in the face with a roundhouse kick, wowing the crowd. Swann dragged Alexander to the corner, then tried a double-jump 450 splash, but Alexander got his knees up to block. Kendrick tried to capitalize with a re-named “Captain’s Hook” submission, but Metalik broke it up.
The wrestlers went nuts with finishers, then Kendrick caught Alexander with the hook again. Metalik and Swann were nowhere to be found and Alexander was forced to tap out, sending Kendrick to Clash of Champions.
Graphic: T.J. Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick at Clash of Champions. Where is Perkins? They don’t even debut him on the debut of the Cruiserweight division?
WINNER: Kendrick via submission at 15:03. Great action introducing the division, plus superior star power from Metalik. It just can’t turn into the X Division where it’s a bunch of guys flipping and flopping around the ring – there eventually needs to be singular issues and an overall purpose. The positioning of the middle of the third hour can be viewed as either WWE not taking the division seriously as a buffer act, or really leaning on the division to try to boost the third hour when viewers typically check out.
Last Week: Nia Jax and Alicia Fox had a brawl that did not end well for Fox. They will meet again at the Clash of Champions pre-show.
Back in the arena, the steel cage was highlighted leading to the main event.
[Commercial Break at 10:43] […Q12]
[Q12…] Earlier Today: Nice Person Stephanie McMahon visited pediatric cancer patients in Memphis. New Day and Sasha Banks were also on-hand.
Back in the arena, the steel cage was lowered. Roman Reigns’s music played to boos. He was now in standard Roman Reigns gear with the vest and cargo pants. Reigns smiled as he surveyed the cage before him. Reigns took his sweet time entering the structure, then waited for Universal champion Kevin Owens to make his entrance.
8 — WWE Universal champion KEVIN OWENS vs. ROMAN REIGNS — non-title steel cage match
As the bell sounded, Cole endorsed Foley’s hot-shot booking trying to outpace Smackdown in the TV Ratings battle. Owens and Reigns circled each other inside the cage, then Owens bolted for the cage door. Reigns cut him off, though. Owens finally decided to fight and nailed a superkick for a two count. Cole sent Raw to break with Reigns selling and Owens gasping for air.
[Commercial Break at 10:55]
Back from break, Owens and Reigns battled on a cage wall, then Reigns yanked down Owens crotch-first onto the top rope a la Dean Ambrose to A.J. Styles. Owens sold, then got crunched into the cage wall via charging splash.
[Q13 — over-run] Reigns talked some trash in Owens’s face, prompting Owens to fight back with a suplex into the corner Cannonball Splash. Owens called for the cage door to be opened, then he made it half-way out, but Reigns grabbed him by the leg to pull him back in. Reigns and Owens then battled on their feet, trading blows to the sound of Boo / Yay.
Reigns tried to build momentum for a spear, but Owens intercepted with a superkick. Owens tried to follow with a pop-up powerbomb, but Reigns intercepted with a Superman Punch. Reigns covered for a two count. Reigns then charged Owens for a spear, but Owens intercepted with a pop-up powerbomb for a close two count.
Owens decided now was the time to escape the cage. Owens climbed to the top of the cage, but Reigns grabbed Owens’s right ankle. Reigns pulled Owens back inside the cage, so Owens punished Reigns with a headbutt. “It’s my show!” Owens shouted in Reigns’s face before bashing Reigns’s head over and over into the cage wall. Suddenly, Reigns nailed Owens with a Superman Punch to send both men down to the mat.
Both men to their feet. Owens tried to crawl through the door, while Reigns climbed the cage wall. Reigns got to the top of the cage, Owens got through the cage, and Reigns threw himself down the cage to the floor just before Owens’s feet hit the ground, giving Reigns the win.
WINNER: Reigns at 14:39.
Post-match, Rusev charged ringside trying to ambush Reigns. But, Reigns saw it coming and blocked Rusev. Reigns pounded Rusev into the ring steps as Owens returned to the cage. Owens then kicked the cage door into Reigns’s face, knocking him out on the floor. Owens shouted at Rusev to get him inside the cage.
Rusev produced a lock, then he closed the door shut and tried to lock the cage door as Owens beat up Reigns. Rusev then took his turn punishing Reigns as Owens watched. Owens rolled Reigns over for Rusev to slap on The Accolade in the middle of the cage. “How’s that, big dog?” Owens taunted Reigns.
Suddenly, Seth Rollins’s music played. Rollins tried to climb the cage wall and get inside the cage, fending off Rusev and Owens. Rollins then perched himself on top of the cage and splashed both Owens and Rusev. Cole said that’s how badly Rollins wants to be Universal champion at Clash of Champions. Cole’s comment fell flat trying to hit a crescendo before the PPV, then Raw just signed off with a camera shot of Rollins in the cage. Raw ended 12 minutes past the top of the hour.
Reax: If there is one glaring hole in Cole’s game, it’s an inability to hit the high note on the PPV lead-in show. That was Jim Ross’s speciality and for whatever reason Cole does not seem to have that in him. It’s not as critical in today’s era of the $9.99 Network versus asking people to spend $50 on a single PPV, but it’s there.
Overall, Raw seemed to have a sense of urgency in the final hour to produce a better show after a sluggish start. The show-opening promo set a poor tone for the first two hours of the show, then Raw finished strong.
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Why would Rollins, not yet established as full blown babyface, risk injury or getting beat down by helping Reigns (his former/still sworn rival) against Owens and Rusev when he has a title match coming up?
Lot of Fans of Cena have stopped waching RAW after the draft and Cena demoted to Smackdown and with not big regrets indeed .Foley not a dream GM?