ROH Live Results
“Best in the World” Tour
June 12, 2016
Milwaukee, Wis. at Turner Hall Ballroom
Report by Blake from “The Blake & Sal Show”
Meet & Greet: Colt Cabana, RPG Vice, Silas Young, and Beer City Bruiser.
(a) Pre-Show: Cheeseburger beat Danny Duggan.
Ring Announcer: Scarlett. Announce team: Kevin Kelly & B.J. Whitmer
King Corino opened the show to hype up his match against Whitmer at Best in the World. He challenged B.J. to a fight because “Milwaukee is a fighting town.” B.J. refused.
(1) ROH tag champions The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Kazarian) beat NJPW duo Kamaitachi & Juice Robinson (f/k/a C.J. Parker) in a non-title match. This replaced the advertised Daniels vs. Kamaitachi match.
(2) Dalton Castle beat Will Ferrara.
Referee Todd Sinclair came out to big reaction…
(3) Motor City Machineguns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) beat Lio Rush & Moose.
(4) Donovan Dijak (w/Prince Nana) beat (Trent?) Beretta of RPG Vice.
(5) Kyle O’Reilly beat Roderick Strong, Michael Elgin, and A.C.H. in a Four Corner Survival match.
B.J. Whitmer came out to cut a promo on Corino, who was jumped and dragged to the ring wearing a towel on his head.
(6) War Machine (Ray Rowe & Hanson) squashed Darren Jackson & “Swag Man.”
Dalton Castle joined Kevin Kelly & Prince Nana on commentary…
(7) ROH TV champion Bobby Fish beat Rocky Romero of RPG Vice in a non-title match.
(8) Silas Young & Beer City Bruiser beat The Briscoes and All Night Express in the finals of the Tag Wars tournament. The Milwaukee duo will get an ROH Tag Title shot on the post-BITW PPV TV taping on June 25.
ROH tag champions The Addiction attacked them after the match, but Silas & Bruiser laid them out to a loud “Milwaukee” chant.
(9) Main Event: ROH World champion Jay Lethal & Colt Cabana beat the Young Bucks (representing Bullet Club). This replaced the scheduled Cabana vs. Adam Cole match due to Cole reportedly hospitalized with pneumonia.
Biggest Pops
- Silas & Bruiser winning (it was a hometown “hug a stranger” celebration moment!)
- The Briscoes
- Dalton Castl
- Young Bucks
- Silas Young (he can’t get booed here ever)
- Kyle O’Reilly
- Moose & Rush
- Bobby Fish (to think at one time he was one of the most hatred people in this building)
Biggest Heat
- The Addiction (after attacking Young & Bruiser)
- B.J. Whitmer
- Prince Nana
- Will Ferrara
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