New Japan Road to Invasion Attack Results
March 20, 2016
Hyogo, Japan
Full Results reported at PuroresuSpirit.net
(1) Rocky Romero & Trent Baretta beat Jay White & David Finlay.
(2) IWGP Jr. Hvt. champion KUSHIDA beat Gedo in a non-title match.
(3) Toru Yano & Sakuraba & YOSHI-HASHI beat Yuji Nagata & Nakanashi & Ryusuke Taguchi in a six-man tag match.
(4) Tenzan & Kojima beat Shibata & Captain New Japan. Tenzan continued to call for a NEVER Title shot against Shibata.
(5) Bullet Club (Tama Tonga & Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi & Cody Hall) beat Jushin Liger & Tiger Mask IV & IWGP tag champions Togi Makabe & Honma in an eight-man tag match.
(6) NEVER Openweight six-man tag champions The Elite (Kenny Omega & the Young Bucks) beat Tanahashi & Michael Elgin & Juice Robinson when Omega pinned Robinson to retain the NEVER Openweight six-man tag titles.
(7) IWGP World Hvt. champion Kazuchika Okada & Hirooki Goto beat Naito & BUSHI.
(8) ROH TV champion Tomohiro Ishii beat EVIL to retain the ROH TV Title.
With Jim Ross’ favorable relationship with PW Torch, featuring the recent 2 hour conversation with Keller, taking numerous calls and plugging his various new projects, I have to ask why PWT doesn’t cover New Japan to a greater extent? In the last few weeks, Ross has provided a fresh and energetic voice to a great show with awesome wrestling matches on AXS. I assumed that this alone would prompt greater coverage, but that hasn’t been the case. I realize that these shows on AXS are old (circa 5/2015), but still, for all of the jaded WWE fans, NJPW is a fantastic alternative that provides plenty of “pure” wresting action. I am not some 19-year old ICP fan that will complain about the lack reporting on of CHIKARA ridiculousness, but NJPW deserves more coverage!