It’s a full house with The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, and Shane McMahon advertised for the same Raw three weeks before WrestleMania. …
WWE Raw TV Report
March 14, 2016 – Episode #1,190
Live in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
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The Card
- The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Shane McMahon advertised for Raw
- WWE Tag Title match: New Day vs. League of Nations (Alberto Del Rio & Rusev)
- Sami Zayn vs. The Miz
- Fall-out from WWE Roadblock
- Announcers: Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxton
Raw opened with WWE tag champions New Day coming to the ring for a WWE Tag Title match. Big E., Xavier Woods, and Kofi Kingston did the walk-and-talk promo routine promoting their “Booty-O’s” cereal. The crowd sat quietly as the trio did their bit acting like faces with heel history.
League of Nations eventually interrupted to bring out the four-man group. Lilian Garcia handled formal ring introductions for Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio to challenge for the Tag Titles.
1 — WWE tag champions (BIG E. & XAVIER WOODS w/Kofi Kingston) vs. LEAGUE OF NATIONS (RUSEV & ALBERTO DEL RIO w/Sheamus and King Barrett) — WWE Tag Title match
Cole noted that Rusev & Sheamus were alone at “WWE Roadblock” on Saturday, so they were unable to get the job done against New Day. Tonight, all four men are available, putting New Day at a rare numbers disadvantage. The match also included Xavier wrestling instead of Kofi, trying to make New Day seem like the underdogs. On cue, Del Rio smashed Xavier with a step-up kick to the head that knocked out Xavier, sending Raw to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:10]
The League continued to dominate Xavier back from break. The crowd wasn’t sure whether to rally behind the tag champs, who eventually exchanged tags to bring in Big E.
[Q2] Big delivered a big running splash to Rusev, but Rusev blocked the Big Ending and nailed a spinning heel kick for a two count. Chaos then broke out with all four men in the ring. Kofi tried to get involved from the outside, distracting Rusev. Xavier took advantage by rolling up Rusev and hooking the tights for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: New Day at 13:38. Weird deal with New Day not officially turning face, just being positioned as the underdogs opposite the bully League of Nations group. As a result, the crowd didn’t know how to receive the tag champs. The post-match attack tried to build sympathy for New Day in a face role…
Post-match, The League of Nations immediately beat down New Day, using their numbers advantage to take out the tag champs. The League then picked up Kofi and set him up to take The Bullhammer from Barrett. Sheamus followed with an emphatic Brogue Kick to Big E. for the exclamation point.
They weren’t done, as Del Rio nailed his corner stomp to Xavier as The League held him in the air. Rusev then put Xavier in The Accolade to completely decimate the tag champs. The League posed in the ring to boos heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:23]
Moments Ago: League of Nations attacked New Day.
In-ring: Dean Ambrose was introduced to the ring dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. The announcers noted Ambrose was inches away from winning the WWE Title at Roadblock, it’s just his foot was “out of bounds” when he pinned Triple H for a three count.
[Q3] In the ring, Ambrose just shook his head at what happened at Roadblock. Ambrose said he wanted to have a huge party tonight in Pittsburgh, but he did not get that. Pause for a “Let’s Go Ambrose” chant. Ambrose then redirected to Triple H, saying he sure isn’t feeling good after their match on Saturday. Ambrose said Hunter learned what happens when you don’t show him proper respect.
Suddenly, Brock Lesnar’s music played to bring out Ambrose’s WM32 opponent. Lesnar marched out on-stage with Paul Heyman, smiled, and waited for Paul to talk. Heyman said he is the only voice of reason keeping Lesnar back from delivering a huge beating to Ambrose. Ambrose said he doesn’t need protection from Lesnar, so let the beast off his leash. Heyman said he cannot allow this to happen because there is an event called WrestleMania in three weeks and he cannot in good conscious allow Lesnar to take out his Mania opponent.
Ambrose said Lesnar looks ready to fight right now because he’s doing his little bouncy-thing. So, send him into the ring! Heyman reiterated the sales pitch for WrestleMania, then signed off. Lesnar’s music played as Heyman disappeared to the back. Suddenly, Lesnar decided he wanted to fight. Ambrose smiled, then produced a tire iron from his leather jacket. Lesnar saw what the game was and decided to back down as Heyman ran back down the entrance ramp.
Lesnar then changed his mind and circled the ring as Ambrose yelled at Lesnar to get in the ring. Lesnar circled all the way around the ring thinking about what to do. Suddenly, he charged the ring apron, but ducked a weapon shot and returned to ringside. Raw cut to break with Lesnar still down at ringside staring down Ambrose.
[Commercial Break at 8:38]
In-ring: Ryback was introduced to the ring as Cole read a spot for Burger King. Lucha Dragons’s music played to bring out Sin Cara dressed in dark gear opposite Kalisto in white gear. Sin Cara, with the new look, faces Ryback one-on-one.
2 — RYBACK vs. SIN CARA (w/U.S. champion Kalisto)
Ryback slowly, agonizingly dismantled Sin Cara through the first three minutes. Cara finally slipped out of a hold, then hit Ryback with a turnaround splash. Cara knocked Ryback to the floor, then hit a suicide dive to the outside.
[Q4] But, back in the ring, Ryback caught Sin Cara with Shell-Shock. He decided to execute a second Shell-Shock after staring down Kalisto. Ryback covered for the win.
Post-match, Kalisto checked on Sin Cara, then Ryback took the mic from the outside. Ryback said this is an example of a good big guy beating a good little guy. Ryback challenged Kalisto to a title match at WrestleMania, then threw down the mic and walked off.
WINNER: Ryback at 4:12. Based on the crowd reaction for Ryback in this match, there won’t be much interest in Ryback-Kalisto at WM32. Then again, Kalisto is more engaging than this version of Sin Cara, so Kalisto has a chance to make the match interesting. Overall, though, not very inspiring match teaser.
Backstage: Stephanie McMahon was shown walking down the hallway. Cole said she speaks next.
[Commercial Break at 8:49]
Burger King spot: “Mad Dog” Vachon was highlighted as part of a sponsorship deal promoting BK’s new hot dog product. The spot also highlighted Junkyard Dog and “Road Dogg” Jesse James.
McMahons Promo
In-ring: Stephanie McMahon’s music played to a light reaction. Stephanie walked out on-stage waving toward the crowd and acting very strange. In the ring, Steph welcomed everyone to Raw to boos. She said that’s the part where you cheer, not boo. Steph asked for the audience to show proper respect to the man who beat Dean Ambrose at Roadblock and will beat Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, “The Game” Triple H.
Hunter walked out on-stage dressed in a suit. Hunter either played air guitar on the title belt or “polished it up” after retaining on Saturday. Hunter entered the ring and posed with the belt before smooching Stephanie.
Hunter began his promo talking about the whole world watching Roadblock with hope in their eyes that Dean Ambrose would be the one to stop the tyranny known as The Authority. Hunter reminded everyone that The Authority always wins. He said hope is not a strategy, but a dangerous commodity. Hunter said everyone lives their lives with “hope” that everything will be great. Get a job, get married, and have kids. But, things start to fall apart, so you blame your boss, your family, and your job.
[Q5 — second hour] Hunter said this guy in the crowd is a loser who just hangs out with his buddies to complain about life. Hunter continued that eventually your family leaves you and you end up drooling on yourself in a home. “Boring” chants before Hunter noted Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns represent “hope” for all of you. But, he can tell everyone right now that Reigns will fail. “I will beat Roman Reigns at WrestleMania,” Hunter said.
Suddenly, Dolph Ziggler’s music played. Steph was like, “Huh?” Hunter sold intrigue as Ziglger matched down to the ring dressed in a suit and tie. Steph said here’s a failure. Dolph said he was in the back listening and he could not take anymore of this. Ziggler said he knows his place – right here in the ring busting his ass for everyone. Steph said that’s very Cena-esque pandering to the audience. (Planting the seeds for Cena’s re-involvement.)
Steph told Dolph that he’s good, but not that good. Dolph said he’s tired of being threatened with being firing. He said he finally realized he has nothing left to lose and he will not quit, no matter how miserable they make his life. Dolph said he and Dean are not failures; they were screwed by the system. “Your system,” Dolph told Stephanie.
Ziggler yelled at Stephanie to fire him, because he sure isn’t going to quit. Hunter stepped in to say it wouldn’t be good for business to fire Dolph because the people love him. He said the people relate to him as a lovable loser. Hunter told Dolph that he doesn’t have to be a loser. He could be great if he had the right support. Dolph sold knowing where this is going.
Dolph said he wouldn’t side with you two if you were the last two people on earth. Not you, Hunter, and definitely not your idiotic wife. Steph slapped Dolph across the face. Steph asked Dolph if he wants a match at WrestleMania. She said she’ll give Dolph any match at Mania, except for a WWE Title shot, if he wins one match tonight.
Dolph shouted back that he doesn’t care if it’s 1-on-10, 1-on-20, or even 1-on-64 in the spirit of March Madness. Dolph said he will not quit, so you name it. Steph said it will be Dolph against The Man, The Game, Triple H. Hunter turned his face selling not liking that, but he tried to keep his emotions in check. Steph gloated in Dolph’s face, then Hunter and Steph left the ring as Hunter continued to sell not exactly liking that announcement.
NEWS: Triple H vs. Dolph Ziggler for Ziggler to get a WM32 match.
Still to come: The Undertaker confronts Vince and Shane McMahon.
[Commercial Break at 9:10]
[Q6] Back from break, IC champion Kevin Owens was down at ringside for commentary on the next match. Sami Zayn was introduced to the ring for singles action, then The Miz was introduced as his opponent.
Zayn knocked Miz to the floor early on, then did some acrobatics. Zayn took out Miz with a back flip splash, drawing Owens’s ire at ringside. Raw cut to break one minute in.
[Commercial Break at 9:18]
Back from break, Zayn broke free of a mathold and delivered a big dropkick. But, Miz came back with a running clothesline. Zayn answered with a clothesline sending Miz over the top rope to the floor. Zayn followed with a flip dive to the outside knocking down Miz.
Owens then left the announce position to confront Zayn, only to get attacked from behind by Miz. Back in the ring, Owens grabbed at Miz’s feet, allowing Zayn to nail the Helluva Kick. Zayn covered Miz for the win. The announcers wrapped up the match trying to figure out who Owens will defend the IC Title against at WrestleMania.
WINNER: Zayn at 7:05. Not much reaction to this match; the crowd was taken out of the show a while ago.
Earlier Tonight: New Day retained the Tag Titles against League of Nations, who followed with a giant beat down on the tag champs.
Backstage: Renee Young brought in The League to discuss what happened earlier. The group talked about sending a message to New Day. Sheamus then challenged New Day to a Tag Title match at WrestleMania. Sheamus said it won’t be a comedy, but a tragedy.
In-ring: Brie Bellas’s music played to bring out Brie and Alicia Fox for Divas tag action. Cole said they face Team B.A.D. next.
[Commercial Break at 9:28]
[Q7] Exterior Shot: WWE is in Pittsburgh. Cole fed to a video from earlier today of heel Stephanie McMahon announcing a national campaign with Connor’s Cure and the V Foundation. Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella were also shown.
Before the bell sounded, Rusev’s music played to bring out Lana. Brie sold annoyance with Lana’s presence, then the match started with Naomi blasting a distracted Alicia in the side of the head. Brie eventually took a hot tag, but Lana distracted her when Brie got close to victory. That allowed Team B.A.D. to double-team Brie behind the ref’s back for the three count.
Post-match, Alicia confronted Lana on the floor, but Lana warned Alicia about what was waiting for. Naomi and Tamina double-superkicked Alicia to take out Team Bellas.
WINNERS: Tamina & Naomi at 2:40.
Still to come: Triple H vs. Dolph Ziggler.
Backstage: Social Outcasts (Curtis Axel, Heath Slater, Bo Dallas, and Adam Rose) were shown “filming a spot” for Burger King. Some guy off-camera yelled “cut” since they screwed up the bit. But, the bit kept going with Axel ending up with a BK crown on his head. The other Outcasts also took Axel’s hot dogs.
[Commercial Break at 9:39]
Backstage: Jo-Jo brought in a darker version of Paige to discuss WrestleMania. Lana then walked in for a discussion. She whispered that Paige used to be Divas champion, but then she lost her title and her man. Lana said Paige has suffered since hanging out with those Americans. Paige shot back that Lana hasn’t even had a match before. Tamina and Naomi then walked into the shot to warn Paige to choose her words more carefully.
Backstage: More Divas talk. Renee Young brought in Divas champion Charlotte (with Ric Flair) to discuss defending the Divas Title against Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks at WrestleMania. Charlotte said she held back Sasha’s hair when she threw up before her first NXT match. And, Becky just stood around waiting to be included in her work-outs. Renee said Charlotte acts like she doesn’t even care about them. Flair interrupted that Charlotte called her and said there are two really good girls at NXT, so she has to be better. Charlotte said the Divas Title proves that she is better. Charlotte said she has something to say to them on Smackdown.
[Q8] In-ring: The Usos were introduced to the ring for the next match. Cole plugged Edge on ESPNews SportsCenter tomorrow night.
[Commercial Break at 9:47]
5 — THE USOS (JIMMY & JEY USO) vs. SOCIAL OUTCASTS (BO DALLAS & ADAM ROSE w/Heath Slater and Curtis Axel)
The Dudleys joined ringside commentary as the bell sounded. The Outcasts did a victory lap in the first 30 seconds while the announcers grilled Bubba Ray and Devon on whether they are or their tables were more over during their career. Back in the ring, The Usos superkicked Bo Dallas, then landed a top-rope splash for the three and the win. The Usos and Dudleys stared each other down.
WINNERS: Usos at 2:10.
Locker Room: Dean Ambrose was shown pacing around when Mick Foley walked in. Foley warned Ambrose about facing Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, then asked Dean “why?” Why do you want to do this to yourself? Ambrose offered a question back to Foley. “Why?” when he was on top of the Cell fighting The Undertaker right here in Pittsburgh, why did he jump off the Cell? Foley said he was Mick Foley and that’s what he did. Dean smiled. He said he is Dean Ambrose and this is what he does. Foley winced.
Foley said he has heard so much about Suplex City that he wants to see Dean take Brock Lesnar somewhere else from the deep, dark recesses of his mind. Foley said this crowbar is nice, but he needs something else. Foley pulled out a gift box and told him to consider this a passing of the torch. “Bang Bang,” he said. Ambrose pulled out a barbed wire baseball bat and smiled.
In-ring: Dolph Ziggler was introduced to the ring for the top-of-the-third-hour match against Triple H.
[Commercial Break at 9:56]
[Q9 — third hour]
In-ring: Dolph Ziggler was shown standing still in the corner of the ring selling determination before his big singles match. Triple H’s music played to bring out the WWE World Hvt. champion. Cole said it has been nearly three years since Hunter wrestled on Raw. Before the bell sounded, Stephanie McMahon was shown applauding down at ringside.
6 — WWE champion TRIPLE H (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER — non-title match
Slow, methodical pace with an exchange of armdrags and headlocks early on. Ziggler got the upperhand and slowed the pace to wear down Hunter. Ziggler suddenly snapped off a dropkick to pick up the pace. Nearfall for Ziggler and Steph sold concern down at ringside. Hunter responded with a hard take down sending Dolph to the outside. Hunter then chucked Dolph into the barricade to take control heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:08]
Back from break, Hunter continued to punish Dolph back in the ring. But, Dolph fired back with right hand blows firing up the crowd, only to take a running high knee from Hunter.
[Q10] Ziggler and Hunter went back and forth trading nearfalls before Hunter landed a spinebuster. “Cover him!” Steph shouted at Hunter, who instead sold an injury. Hunter bent over trying to catch his breath before slowly picking up Dolph. Hunter wanted The Pedigree, but Dolph pushed him aside and nailed a superkick for a close two count.
Triple H rolled out of the ring to get some space, but Dolph smashed him from behind on the floor. Dolph tried to get back in the ring, but Hunter pushed him off the ring apron into the barricade. Dolph then scurried back into the ring at 9, nearly walking into The Pedigree like Ambrose at Roadblock. But, Dolph pushed off, only to walk into The Pedigree. Hunter pinned Ziggler for the win.
WINNER: Triple H at 17:30. Fine match giving Ziggler “hope,” following up on the earlier promo. But, the finish was a reminder that no one is getting a fall on Hunter until WrestleMania.
Post-match: The Shield’s music played to produce Roman Reigns. But, not in the crowd. Reigns emerged on-stage, which Steph pointed out to Hunter. Reigns slowly marched down to the ring, then charged Hunter. Reigns tackled him to the mat to a mixed reaction as Steph ran to the back. Reigns knocked Hunter out of the ring and threw him into the barricade. Reigns posted Hunter before bouncing him into the announce table. Reigns repeatedly smashed Hunter’s face into the announce table, trying to break his nose like Hunter did to him three weeks ago.
Suddenly, Hunter produced a can of soda that he smashed off Reigns’s face. Reigns absorbed and punched Hunter in the face to knock him down. Reigns punished Hunter in front of crazy fans shrieking and trying to grab Reigns. Hunter tried to scramble away from ringside, but Reigns caught up to him. They battled to the production area, then backstage. Hunter came up bleeding from the side of his head as backstage personnel tried to control Reigns. Reigns grabbed a TV monitor and blasted it across Hunter’s back. Suddenly, The Usos and Jack Swagger showed up trying to calm down Reigns. Mark Henry also entered the scene trying to calm down Reigns, telling him to save it for WrestleMania. Raw cut to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:27]
[Q11] Moments Ago: Roman Reigns returned from “facial reconstruction surgery” to dismantle Triple H. The announcers described him as animalistic and a blood-thirsty savage. Cole said this is all building to the WWE Title match at WrestleMania.
WM Week on WWE Network: Daniel Bryan special, Stone Cold Podcast with Mick Foley after Smackdown, Hall of Fame red carpet, HOF ceremony, and WrestleMania.
Announcers: Cole and Co. announced Miss Jackie as the next WWE Hall of Fame inductee.
Backstage: Goldust was shown walking down the hallway when he noticed a penguin mascot. Since they’re in Pittsburgh. R-Truth pulled off the penguin head and talked about penguins being loyal partners. Truth asked Goldust if he will be his penguin partner. Goldust smiled, then said, “No.” Truth said that was cold.
In-ring: Chris Jericho’s music played back in the arena. Jericho came out dressed to wrestle before Raw cut to break.
[Commercial Break at 10:37]
Jericho started with a promo running down a kid in the crowd. He then ranted about the audience choosing A.J. Styles over him. Jericho said Styles is a hack and the fans feel a connection to him because of a void in their lives. Jericho parrotting Triple H’s promo? Jericho said he had to put Styles in his place and show him who his daddy is.
Suddenly, Neville’s music played to interrupt Jericho’s promo. Neville charged the ring to face Jericho in the default main event.
Neville knocked Jericho out of the ring early on, then Jericho yelled at the ringside cameraman to get out of his face. Neville waited for Jericho to get back in the ring as Raw cut to break 40 seconds in.
[Q12] [Commercial Break at 10:45]
Back from break, Neville executed a huracanrana, then suddenly dropped to one knee selling an injury. Neville sold not being able to put weight on his leg as the announcers completely ignored what was happening by continuing to ramble. Referee Charles Robinson eventually intervened, then Jericho went for a roll-up, but Neville lightly kicked out before three. Jericho got up angry and pushed Ref Robinson, drawing a DQ.
WINNER: Neville via DQ at 4:54. The announcers’s lack of coverage of what was happening in the ring captured so many issues with the product.
Post-match, Jericho shouted for a microphone. He said he’s tired of being disrespected around here. Jericho said he is the best in the world at what he does. He shouted at the crowd to go ahead and chant for A.J. Styles. After egging on the crowd, Styles’s music played to bring out A.J. on the stage. Styles marched down to the ring, then flew at Jericho with a flying forearm smash. Styles stood tall over Jericho before his music played again. WWE shot the WM32 banner over Styles and Jericho.
Announcers: Cole and Co. sent a message to Dish subscribers to prevent Dish from dropping select NBCU channels, like USA Network.
Up Next: The Undertaker confronts Vince and Shane McMahon.
[Commercial Break at 10:52]
Smackdown plug: Charlotte-Sasha-Becky face-to-face-to-face on Thursday. Plus, follow-up on Roman Reigns attacking Triple H.
Undertaker-McMahons Segment
Back from break, Mr. McMahon’s music played to a light reaction three hours deep into the taping. In the ring, McMahon did his now-regular routine of asking for a better reception. Lilian Garcia reintroduced McMahon.
A tired McMahon painted a picture of Shane McMahon winning at WrestleMania, then showing up on Raw the next night to declare new things for Raw. But, that is merely a dream. He said Shane faces a nightmare at WrestleMania when he faces The Undertaker. McMahon said the only person who will be standing tall in this ring will be him.
Vince painted another picture of Shane being an “impotent, shell of a man” who cannot go out in public. He said the good thing is he doesn’t have to lift a finger. Instead, his instrument of destruction, The Undertaker, will do the damage. Taker’s bell sounded and his entrance played as Raw hit the top of the hour.
[Q13 — over-run] Undertaker hit the ring steps, locking eyes with Vince before entering the ring. Vince sold concern as Taker paced around the ring to loud cheers. “Under-Taker” chant from the crowd. Vince warned Taker never to put his hands on him ever again, calling back to Taker grabbing him around the throat the last time he appeared on Raw.
Taker simply unbuttoned his jacket, removed his jacket, and then removed his hat. Vince said Taker showed poor judgment last time, and Vince also showed poor judgment bringing it up again, so he’s sorry. Vince then hyped Taker doing unspeakable things to Shane, breaking his body and his soul. Vince said this is an unholy alliance, or what’s best for business.
Suddenly, Shane McMahon’s music played. Shane bounced out on-stage, then strutted on the stage. The law of diminishing returns has kicked in for Shane’s pop. Shane cautiously entered the ring, then strutted in front of Taker and around Vince. Taker did not take kindly to that, but if this were a shoot, Taker would have dropped Shane where he stood, but they couldn’t end the angle here.
Shane grabbed a mic as all three men jockeyed for position in the ring. Shane spoke that Vince is definitely not what’s best for business anymore. Yet, he finds himself in the match of a lifetime at WrestleMania … against The Undertaker. Shane said he’s been watching footage of Taker trying to figure out how to beat him. So, he proceeded to reveal his plan. Shane vowed to fight for the fans and he will not stop as long as there is one heartbeat left in his body.
Taker yanked the mic away from Vince and told him, “And it still ain’t gonna be enough.” Taker told Shane what he has are these (his fists). Taker said these fists are his legacy, more than WrestleMania itself. Shane gave Taker his props, then said he can’t believe Taker is standing here dancing around like a puppet for Vince. Taker grimaced. He said no one controls him. Shane said he sees things differently. He has the misfortune of being Vince’s son, but Taker is just Vince’s b—–.
Taker grabbed Shane around the throat and tried to attack him, but Shane ducked and avoided (attempting to provide a visual of Shane being able to execute his plan). Suddenly, Vince shoved Shane into Taker, who chokeslammed him. Vince celebrated, then Taker turned his attention toward Vince. Taker went after Vince, who bailed from the ring to avoid Taker’s wrath.
Taker’s music played as Shane continued to sell in the ring. Cole said this approach has allowed Vince to survive for so many years. Raw closed with back-and-forth shots of Taker fired up and Vince pleased with himself 11 minutes past the top of the hour.
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