1/27 Lucha Underground Report – Season 2 returns with LU Title match, new champion, more


Lucha Underground Report
January 27, 2016
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Season 2, Episode #1 on El Rey Network
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor

The show opened with Vampiro sitting at a table across from a doctor in an a mental clinic. A doctor asked Vampiro if he had any nightmares, hallucinations, or violent thoughts. Vampiro had flashbacks to last season of Lucha Underground. The doctor prescribed Vampiro a medication and release as long as he stayed away from the place that triggered his violent impulses.

But, Vampiro ran across the room and attacked the doctor and the doctors who tried to help fend him off. Vampiro chomped off some flesh off the back of the neck of the doctor’s neck. The screen then turned to a green filter to give the resemblance of a security camera and at the bottom of the screen an artifact appeared with the time stamp of the incident and the words “0 days without incident.”

The video then cut back to Vampiro sitting at the table where he complied with the doctor obeying his rules. Thus the last scene was just a hallucination. The doctor asked if he had someone who could pick him up from the clinic. Then the scene cut to Matt Striker (Todd Martin’s favorite commentator) standing in the desert waiting for Vampiro. Vampiro greeted Striker, then Striker revealed his vehicle which was for some reason under a black tarp. Vampiro and Striker entered the black convertible and Vampiro asked if he still had a job. Striker said they had both been invited back to the temple, but it’s now a much darker place. Vampiro took a look at his pill bottle then grinned.

Lucha Underground Title Card.

The camera panned what I believe is Dario’s office but now decked out in candles and other mystical objects. Catrina glanced out the window opposite the desk and greeted Fenix saying she didn’t think he would ever come back. Fenix said he was back for Mil Muertes and his title. Catrina said if he desires to face the champion it is his right, but it is also her right to make him wait a week, that is if he still has his own title, which will be on the line tonight as Mil Muertes watches.

The camera quickly cut to Mil Muertes sitting atop a throne in the temple. Then cut back to the outside of the office door which now says Catrina Proprietor.

Announcers: Striker and Vampiro welcomed the audience to the show and thanked the fans and said that they are the reason that Lucha Underground is back. Vampiro acknowledged that they have a new boss in Mil Muertes and again we saw him sitting on his thrown in the temple with his title. Striker then threw to Melissa Santos for the first match.

In-ring: Santos said the first match is for the “Gift of the gods” championship. Out first is King Cuerno. Next out was Fenix.

1 – Gift Of The Gods champion FENIX vs. KING CUERNO – Gift of the Gods Championship match

Cuerno grabbed Fenix’s arm early, but Fenix escaped with a few flips and a moonsault. Cuerno exited the ring, then Fenix went for a baseball slide and Cuerno caught him and DDTed on the outside. Cuerno went back in to the ring and dove onto Fenix through the ropes. Meanwhile, Muertes continued to watch the match from his throne.

Cuerno went for a pin. Fenix gained momentum and hit a dropkick followed by an arm rag dive. Fenix hit a neckbreaker and a dropkick which led to Cuerno leaving the ring. Fenix then hit a corkscrew dive to the outside.

Fenix picked up Cuerno and chopped him on the apron, then drove a kick into Cuerno in the ring. Cuerno then jumped on Fenix and Fenix hit a superkick. Cuerno then kicked Fenix and both men were down. The obligatory ‘this is awesome’ chant began.

Fenix locked in a unique sleepe hold position, then Cuerno flipped over Fenix and lifted Fenix into a submission then flung him into the turnbuckle. Cuerno ran at Fenix, but Fenix uppercut Cuerno, then stomped on Cuerno for a two count.

Cuerno countered Fenix and hit Thrill of the Hunt, but Fenix kicked out. Cuerno continued to stomp on Fenix. Fenix stood up and super kicked Cuerno and missed a 450 splash. Cuerno hit a piledriver-like move to win the Gift of the Gods Championship.

WINNER: King Cuerno at 7:49 to capture the Gift of the Gods championship.

Backstage: Angélico, Ivelisse, and Son of Havoc arrived at the temple on their motorcycles.


Backstage: Angélico, Ivelisse, and Son of Havoc walked through the back and met with Catrina. Ivelisse said they want their titles back and Catrina emphatically replied no. She said Mil has specific rules and wants them to fight each other. Havoc said they spent the last year trying to get along and are not going to be split up now. Catrina said whoever wins the match can face Mil for the title and the match is up next. Ivelisse said they were all in and when she wins she’s coming after Catrina.

In-ring: Catrina made her way inside the temple area, then beckoned Melissa Santos. Catrina caressed Santo’s cheek, then whispered in her ear. Santos relayed the news that the next match would be a number one contender’s match for the Lucha Underground Championship. First out was Son of Havoc. Next was Angélico, and finally Ivelisse. Striker said that the winner would face Muertes later on tonight.

Backstage: Catrina congratulated Cuerno and reminded him of the deal they had in place. Cuerno assured her to not worry.


2 – SON OF HAVOC vs. ANGÉLICO vs IVELISSE – #1 Contender match for the Lucha Underground Championship

A flurry of pin attempts on everyone started the match. All three went for a test of strength then Ivelisse attack Angélico then Havoc. Ivelisse delivered a huracanrana on Angélico, then Angélico kneed Ivelisse in the face and Havoc hit a springboard on Angélico. Angélico hit multiple kicks on Havoc, then Ivelisse headed for the top. Angélico stopped her, then Havoc got involved and Ivelisse hit a cross-body. Ivelisse kicked Havoc multiple times. Havoc hit a back breaker on Ivelisse then she rolled to the outside. Havoc threw Angélico to the outside then hit the suicide dive. Havoc ran back into the ring and dove onto Ivelisse on the other side.

Havoc stomped Angélico back in the ring and hit a standing moonsault. ‘This is awesome’ rang throughout the arena again. Havoc hit and elbow on Angélico then Angélico gained control and went for a superplex. Havoc tossed him off the top rope then Ivelisse tripped Havoc and rolled up Angélico for the win.

WINNER: Ivelisse at 6:09.

The camera cut to three men in a car looking confused. The screen said they were several hundred miles from Boyle Heights. Black Lotus appeared and asked if they were lost. One of the guys said he thought there was an underground fight club called the temple around. Lotus said to follow her.

[Joel’s Reax: Upon looking for Black Lotus’s name on Wikipedia, I stumbled upon a bunch of Championship spoilers for later in the season. Very disappointed in my own negligence.]


In-ring: Santos announced that the next match was for the Lucha Underground Championship. Ivelisse was already in the ring surrounded by Havoc and Angélico. Muertes stood up from his thrown and slowly walked to the ring. Catrina walked out with the mystical stone. The Disciples of Death walked out shortly thereafter and attacked Havoc and Angélico and carried them away while Muertes held on Ivelisse.


3 — Lucha Underground champion MIL MUERTES (w/Catrina) vs. IVELISSE — Lucha Underground Title match

Muertes pushed over Ivelisse, who tried to fight Muertes, but he would not budge. Muertes hit a backbreaker and threw Ivelisse around the ring. Ivelisse tried to choke Muertes, then he lifted her for a bearhug and dropped her to the mat. He grabbed her throat and Ivelisse went for a triangle choke. Muertes lifted her towards the ropes and Ivelisse locked in an armbar.

Muertes kneed her off, then Ivelisse went to the top rope and hit a DDT. Catrina entered the ring and held up the stone. Ivelisse pushed Catrina into the way and Muertes accidentally speared Catrina. Ivellise went for a roll-up, but Muertes kicked out. Muertes hit a powerslam and a Flatliner for the win.

WINNER: Mil Muertes at 4:33 to retain the LU Title.

Post-match: Catrina initially went for the lick of death, but Catrina called for more destruction. Muertes went for another Flatliner, but Prince Puma ran to the ring to save Ivelisse. As Muertes was distracted, Pentagon, Jr. entered the ring and hit a codebreaker, then broke the arm of Mil Muertes after looking over at Vampiro.

Then, Black Lotus brought the three men to what appears to be a new temple. Dario stood at the doors and warned the men of the violence inside. One of the men questioned Black Lotus and she proceeded to hit him with a barrage of strikes. Dario said it was $20 to enter the temple. The three men proceeded to enter. Dario opened the door with the key around his neck. One man asked who was fighting tonight. Dario told him that he was. Dario closed the door and screams and torment were heard through the doors.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Some old and some new here. A lot of returning players and a little shake-up to the aesthetics of the show and particularly the temple. Catrina and Muertes are now in charge which means they want to continue with the heel authority figure, which worked well last season. With Muertes having his arm broken, it could be only a matter of time before someone else is in charge.

Understandably so they wanted to try and have a big first show with two title matches. The heels dominated because they had the advantage which is the way it should be if a heel is in change because they are able to manipulate situations into their favor, but then that would bring up the question if Muertes is in charge why doesn’t he just make it so that nobody ever gets to challenge him? I think these problems could be avoided if Striker would establish some of the rules with the titles and they could tap into the Aztecs and gods by saying the championship must be defended and so on.

With time I think all these questions will be answered. It’s great seeing Lucha Underground back on TV and where they will go with introducing new characters and bringing back the old.

SUMMARY RESULTS: (1) King Cuerno defeated Fenix to capture the Gift of the Gods Championship. … (2) Ivelisse defeated Angélico and Son of Havoc to become the Lucha Underground Championship #1 contender. … (3) Mil Muertes beat Ivelisse to retain his championship.


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