Smackdown SPOILERS – Results for Thursday, plus Taker non-TV appearance


WWE taped this week’s Smackdown Tuesday in Manchester, continuing the WWE Title tournament and building to the Survivor Series PPV. The following are full SPOILER Results for Thursday’s show. Plus, off-air news and notes.

WWE Smackdown Results
Taped November 10, 2015
Manchester, England
Report by Paul Jacques, PWTorch reader

The show opened with a promo from The Wyatts. Major heat for them – lots of boos and Undertaker chants. All four spoke but the big heat was for Bray Wyatt.

(1) Braun Strowman beat Fandango. Fandango came out to a good reaction and the fans did his dance. He was easily beat by Strowman.

(2) Neville beat Wade Barrett in a WWE Title tournament opening round match. Enjoyable match about 10 minutes in length. The crowd was about 50/50 here. WWE need to realise not everyone at these shows supports Man Utd., as a lot of fans would have been happy to see Wade Barrett beat up Wayne Rooney. Still this result shocked a lot of people.

– At this point, there was a dark segment involving The Undertaker for the live crowd. Wade Barrett was in the ring complaining about coming over to Manchester, which brought out The Undertaker to a tremendous ovation. Taker beat him up, hit two Tombstones, and walked slowly back.

(3) Kalisto beat Ryback in a WWE Title tournament opening round match. This result also shock everyone in the building. Awkward face-face match here, as most people wanted to cheer Ryback, but looked/felt bad doing so when he was facing a smaller opponent. Not a bad match and Kalisto got a good reaction when he won.

(4) U.S. champion Alberto Del Rio beat Stardust in a WWE Title tournament opening round match. Another awkward match for the crowd. ADR and Zeb Colter tried to heel it up before the match, but no one cared. Plenty of spotty “Cody” chants, but no real luster behind them. Del Rio won with his top-rope knee drop.

– Backstage Roman Reigns promo. Romam was very over with the crowd around me.

(5) The Usos Luke Harper & Erick Rowan via DQ. I think this will come across better on TV. Live, we didn’t know this would be the main event and I don’t think any believed The Usos would win, which was a tremendous shame as the crowd was crazy into The Usos. The (unannounced) DQ occurred after everyone was outside the ring. When the Usos got back in the ring, Bray Wyatt and Braun came in and attacked them.

After this, there was a speech over the tannoy system from The Undertaker.

After the taping, Bray Wyatt called out Roman Reigns, who came out to a great reception.

Bonus Main Event: Roman Reigns beat Bray Wyatt in a Street Fight.


Biggest Pops: Undertaker (by a long shot), Roman Reigns.

Biggest Heat: Wyatt Family. A long way after would be ADR/Colter. No one else was truly hated tonight.


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